Of the Rugrats (animated TV show) music! And more, of course, but that’s just where I first heard of him.
Most famous as the front man of DEVO of course
Hmm - I knew Devo before Rugrats, but never knew the Devo band members’ names. Thanks!
NP! He’s a genius.
As is Danny Elfman, the other one I mentioned, who has scored lots of stuff and is also the front man for Oingo Boingo.
5-7 year waitlist - that’s why (not), lol
I had a Junior Gretsch. Found it had solid, good sound for the price but definitely needed copper lining added to reduce system noise (I had it done and it helped). I sold mine and now have a beautiful Birdsong super short scale (25 1/2 inch) bass and am awaiting another. It was unbelievable how much better the sound is even though the Junior Gretsch is a good short scale. However, they are worlds apart in price.You can find nice, used Junior Gretsch basses online for just over $200.
He does what he does because that’s his thing and that’s what gets him views. He has a few more recent videos where he actually talks about his life, like a regular person and I know a lot of people appreciated that. He’s done a lot of innovative stuff over the years that a lot of people have copied; you have to always be finding new things and reinventing yourself if you want to keep expanding your audience. He’s done a heck of a lot for other YT musicians too, many of them owe much of their popularity to davie giving them exposure.
I find it amusing that he spent 2021 trying to do different stuff and struggled to get a million more viewers and this year he’s done mostly shorts and got 2.3 million more so far
Having the attention span of a goldfish I do actually like the shorts on YouTube
And after last night’s practice, no bass is easy to play!..… they are all the spawn of the devil
Fully aware. He found a schtick that has worked. Many other YT influencers have done so, too, all be they with different details and other areas of interest.
I don’t fault Davie for his work in any way. But everything has a shelf life, especially on YT - the current reigning worldwide medium-attention span theater.
I love my short scale Stingray. So much so that I’m selling my other non Stingray bass to get another Stingray. If I had the budget for one I’d splurge for the Tim Commerford Special Edition Short Scale Stingray.
Many people here recommend to check out shops and try stuff out, while I 100% agree on this, I gotta say not everybody has luxury to do that.
Im one of those people. Shops in my place stock only cheap ass shit, and everything else is order, and service is shit, no refunds and stuff.
Thats why I always opt in online orders. Total lottery.
And from my experience if Id pick up any scale length different from standard Id exclusively stick to it. While I had mustang I was weirded out switching between basses cause of fingerings. Thats why now I stick to standard scale only.
HI Rapheal: I just came down the road you’re about to go down and I’m in my second year of playing. Take a hard look at the Yamaha TRBX304. It was first real bass and it’s well built and plays like a dream. Stays in tune and you can’t beat it for $350.00. The red is gorgeous if I might say so.
“Budget is no issue.”
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