What's in the box? (why did they call it Squier Affinity Bass VI when it's not really a bass VI?

So a few days ago I ordered a Squier Affinity Jazz Bass VI. I thought it would be something like the Squier CV Bass VI, but it’s not, they just call it a Bass VI, but in reality it’s a 6 string bass, not a bass VI. I want a Bass VI not a 6 string bass. What’s weirder is that the Squier Affinity Jazz Bass VI shipped two days ago, but they are not available until next month anywhere. I ordered this thing on Amazon and it was the only one available and after I ordered it it has become “out of stock”. So l don’t know what’s being shipped to me. Will I be the only one with a Squier Affinity Jazz Bass VI for a while or is there something else on the way?


Here’s what it says on the Fender website:

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Wait what? I preordered this a few months ago. Lemme know if yours actually shipped. That would be cool.

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Yeah, I should have read the description better, but I was looking for a Bass VI and this is called a Bass VI, but it’s not really a Bass VI, it’s a 6 string bass.


Right? I’m excited to see what they shipped to me. It’s like a mystery box. The pictures and description are all for the Squier Affinity Jazz Bass VI. But I don’t know how they would have one to ship. I just checked the shipping status and it’s supposed to be here today, so I’ll let you know.


Wow. That’s fantastic. I can’t wait to get mine. I wish that they’d come in shell pink but I’ll take the penguin tuxedo :joy:

I also looks like both pickups are the same length.


This is what I thought I was ordering, but the Affinity series.


It is, in fact, the Squier Affinity Jazz Bass VI.


Oh no! That’s so awesome. Can you please measure the pickups for me. Thanks. Length and tab would be fantastic. Thanks @Paul_9207

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Yes, I think I can do that. I have already put it back in the boxes, but, for you, Al, I’ll do it. I have to drive an hour to the UPS store to return it so that won’t happen for a couple days at least.


Oh if it’s too much trouble no worries. You are not keeping this?

I fooled around on a Bass VI a few times. It’s not a bass’s bass it’s like a giant scale guitar one octave down.


I’m not keeping it. I barely play my 5 string.

The Cure uses the bass VI in a lot of their songs. And I want to cover some of them so I think it would be good to have one around.

The pickups look like they are 4 5/8 inches across and 11/16 tall. it’s hard to tell for sure with the plastic in the way, but that’s what it looked like.


I just found the Shecter Robert Smith bass vi tonight. I posted a picture of it in the Bass Porn thread. A VI has been on my list for a while. Between the Cure and all the shoegaze stuff I like to fool around with, those look right up my alley but I’m gonna hold off on adding more complexity to my bass until I get the fundamentals down better.


Thanks Paul. Appreciate your help.

Did you try it out? How did it sound. Any hums. It’s a noiseless pickups.

I could be wrong but I think this is the Fender/ Squier first 6 string bass.

knowing I was going to send it back right away I thought it best to not handle it too much. it has a big neck though. and the color is really nice dark gray with sparkle.

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That was me a couple years ago when I first started to look at them. I’m starting to branch out a bit more into other instruments now.