What's the deal with effects and pedals? (Also: sound in general)

“Mooltipass!” :rofl:


Not sure if this one’s been posted, but if you want to get absolutely rude with it, here’s a plasma pedal:


I love this idea so much.

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and this is it. I was going to buy the smallest Ojai to power the HX stomp. line 6 says the HX needs 1500 mA (and a special cable to connect it) but a power supply that has two 400 mA/9v ports will work, testing has shown the stomp will work with a minimum 800 - 900 mA. you have to buy a special Y cable to combine the 2 ports power together and it has to fit the stomp. voodoo labs makes one.

but I’m so glad I didn’t get the $150 Ojai. cuz on reverb, I found sweetfoot pedals.

handmade, hand painted and approved by line 6, they make a 1500 (!) mA supply starting around $45!!! :flushed: and it comes with the correct cable that fits the stomp, so you don’t even need to order one. my power supply was a little more, $80 (still a screaming bargain), but has a 1500 mA tap and two 500 mA taps, amazing. @JT


I love it :slight_smile:


From another thread…

@Paul since you mentioned it in your response to my question about feedback…

Do you (or anyone) have a suggestion for a worthy, yet inexpensive DI box?


Behringer BDI-21!

Seriously just buy it - best value in pedals. Great tone in that thing, and works as a passive DI when bypassed.

There’s other options, but if you don’t have a BDI-21, you should buy one anyway. Really really great tone and a fantastic value. Like $35 new.


This little fella?
Behringer BDI21 V-Tone Bass Driver DI Pedal | Sweetwater



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Okay, will do!

So I just put this at the end or the pedal chain?


Yep, right before the amp.

Run its out to your amp and the DI to your DAI. Unplug your amp from the DAI.


It’s out of stock everywhere :frowning:


It’s insanely popular for a reason.


Agreed! I have one too.


I said it in another thread, but the pedal is so good it’s worth recommending it twice!

I’m not sure when it comes to gear (or anything really) worthy and inexpensive should be part of the same sentence. I’ve been down that road and old saying “buy cheap, buy twice” applies here perfectly.

I’m using this one:

Yes, it’s expensive, but it’s indestructible and will last you forever. I bought it second hand from reverb for quite bit less but it was worth every penny.

This thing is last in my chain and goes directly into my DAI through XLR cable. It solved all my impedance issues with my preamps and pedals and it works perfect. I highly recommend this if you can get a good price on it.

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I agree with that completely. I should have included the word “relatively” in front of inexpensive. The idea being, I don’t want to spend an arm and leg for bells and whistles that don’t do anything to solve the problem, nor do I wish to pay a premium price for a trendy brand name (which is why I’ve never owned a Harley).


Generally I do agree with this sentiment completely, but the BDI-21 is incredible. It just happens to have a DI (xlr port) but it is actually a clone of the Tech 21 Sansamp BDDI. It adds tone too, and honestly it arguably sounds better than the real thing.

That said, cheap is usually not the correct route.


It’s a circuit clone. It’s exactly the same as the original SansAmp BDDI.

Sure, it’s cheap, but with behringer the “warranty” is just buy a second one if it breaks and still save money. You could buy four for the cost of a SansAmp.

Also the BDI-21 happens to be built like a little tank. Solid pedal, unlike most of their line.


Behringer also has really good synths. There are dozen of YT videos where they compare Behringer products with top of the line products. Sure, the materials are usually less good and it looks cheaper but the result are usually on par with products that are far more expensive.