What's the deal with effects and pedals? (Also: sound in general)

Will do! It’s there to keep spam down, so I’ll take it down provisionally.
Everyone be on the lookout for sneaky salespeople mistakingly trying to sell us bass fishing equipment…


Too late, I just ordered a rod and reel, a boat, and a dude to go with it.

It was either a 6 foot boat or a 6 foot dude, I don’t recall exactly.


:rofl: :joy: :rofl:


OK, lots of new stuff to report on.

  1. Big stuff first. Got rid of the excellent q-strip preamp and replaced it with the bassbones preamp.

As you may recall I fried TWO of these, not knowing it was a reverse polarity pedal (in my defense the first one I thought was just defective. The second one I knew something was wrong). Went through a lot to get this pedal (see next) but third time’s a charm. But Im pretty sure it’s my last stop as far as preamp pedals go. I don’t know anything else that does what it does. It’s a 2 channel preamp, but very different then most. Every other 2 channel has one clean channel and one dirty channel. I have my dirt on a pedal board, along with my compression, octaver, etc. I don’t need any of that on my preamp. This preamp has 2 clean channels that are exactly the same. The purpose is for 2 different basses, set up one for each. And yes, it has a (3rd) dirty channel which I don’t need BUT you can use that channel as an effects loop instead! So I can set it up to trigger multiple effects, brilliant. And it has a high impedence setting for piezo pickups, which makes my ubass sound amazing. The only thing I can think of missing is a pad switch for active basses. Meh. Now just make the damn thing 18v regular polarity already :roll_eyes:


So I tried getting a reverse polarity cable to power the bassbones from my caline power unit. Although the volts and watts were correct, it didn’t work. Didn’t fry anything but didn’t work. Next I tried buying a stupid little $100 converter box that radial sells that allows you to run this off 2 standard 9v power supply outlets. Yeah, that doesn’t work either. Soo I have three choices, all bad. Sell the bassbones and give up. Run it off the stock power supply and admit defeat grrr. Or spend a lot of money on this:


Cioks (pronounced chox) claims this was made specifically to power my pedal. Anddd it works. The only downside is they use (of course) proprietary supply cords, so if you need more, like me, you have to order their cables.


Decisions, decisions.
I think I would just use the supplied power supply and jut mount it flush somewhere.

But I think you are gonna the that Cooks

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Got rid of my zoom B1 four and replaced it with an MS-60B multistomp.

It’s much smaller, which was the main thing. It also has some effects missing from my other zoom (slapback, I’ve missed you). It doesn’t have drum tracks (got em on phone), headphone out (don’t care), a looper (got one) or line out. Line out was almost a deal breaker, but I’ve got a solution coming next week. Not having pedals to switch effects, the MS relies on clicking the footswitch to run through your patches in sequence. Kinda clunky but it works.


Got the new EHX tuner. I mean it’s small, cute and 40 BUX, no brainer.


No I’m not done. Got the mooer cab sim IR loader.

Plugged it in anddd… It wasn’t working correctly. Wait a minute, I’ve seen this before. It’s 12v :roll_eyes:
Here we go again. Well no problem, I’ve got my new fancy power supply. Which has no open 12v outlets :expressionless:. Are you fucking kidding me. So temporarily it’s plugged into my old power unit until I can figure this out. Just clicked through it a few times but I can say, it sounds great. I do have to say in regards to earlier discussions about running it into an amp and cab that it is the amp sim you hear. The cab sim in this setup would be inaudible to my ears. Got two more toys on the way.


That’s next on my shopping list. I didn’t realize it was 12v though. I think I can manage that though.


It comes with a power supply if you don’t mind just plugging into the wall.


I have this mounted under my pedal board. It says 12v is one of the options, so I should be okay.


I can load IR files on my DarkGlass Alpha Omega Ultra, but they are Cab Sims. I could hear them thru Garage Band obviously, but probably wouldn’t be so great they an amp, as you mentioned.
Damn it, now I need to get an IR pedal for Amp Sims

Well, I can just use the ones that are on the MS-60B (yes, Have one too), but that pedal is first on the list to come off if I run out of room with all the things I am adding.

I just got the
NU>X Loop Core, and played with it a little.
It is great
99 memory slots
6 hours recording
unlimited dub
20 drum tracks, and I think you can add more.
It is similar to the Boss RC-3, but this one has about 2x the capacity, at 6 hours, the boss is like 3 hours. Eitherway, that is overkill most likely, but whatever.
$99 for the NU>X and $180 for the boss.


Cute little tuner
IDK if I have room for one, and if I keep the MS-60B on the board, it is a tuner too.
I may be able to squeeze a HOTONE tuner if they make one of those micro pedals.


They do (hotone) but it’s a lot more and not much bigger. You would have plenty of room on your giant pedal board if you didn’t have 14 compressors on it. Just sayin :rofl:
And your IR loader can download and decode any IRs, it doesn’t know or care if it’s a cab, amp, mic, whatever. And I love that nux, might have gotten it instead of the hotone if I saw it first.


Yeah, I figured long term it was worth it.


Yep, it needs 12v 300 mA. It should be fine.


what happens if we also like to fish? i grew up on a lake and love to fish, can i have the rod, reel, boat, and my fender while i’m at it? choices choices choices


Here ya go @anon8486200,
A couple of Murray cod caught near our place at Jamieson Victoria :+1:
Cheers Brian


holy cod thats a big fish