What's the deal with effects and pedals? (Also: sound in general)

Wow, I didn’t know they made cod that big. The ones I get fit into a cardboard box in the frozen section at the supermarket.


Get yourself an Acoustic Bass (I dont’ have one Yet, and I stress the YET, I will someday), As long as you keep it dry, it will be great to play on the boat.


It was a bust, it’s on its way back to Amazon. Keeping the Flamma.



$100 for a kit with components (sans tubes). Would need to make an enclosure and get a compatible PSU.

Le Bass or other tube preamp pedals are probably a better buy. Interesting though.

I am such a preamp geek. Which reminds me @terb - how is that G-K preamp kit? :slight_smile:


still not finished … I’m having an issue with the labels / faceplate , but I think I know how to solve it :slight_smile:

I don’t want to buy another kits (the Darkglass overdrives) before I finish this GK preamp, it’s somewhat a motivation :grin:


i will look, i know fender has some nice ones


The Kingman to be exact. My friend has one and recomends it as highly as getting an EBMM stingray.
I know of one for sale for about $300, and retail they are about $500.
I am going to wait and see if it doesn’t sell for a while and see if I can get it around $200. I actually got my SWR Workingman10 combo amp from the same guy, so maybe he will cut me a deal as a repeat customer.

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just looked they are retail for closer to six


Yeah, but if you buy at the right place yo can oftern get it knocked down, but thats neither here nor there, they are supposed to be pretty much top of their class / price range.

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Does anyone use an octave pedal? I was talking to my bass guy at Milanos (my local music candy store) and he says he wouldn’t gig without one. He recommended this

On another note, I brought up the thought of upgrading my compressor, and he scoffed, stating he never uses one. This coming from a guy who’s been gigging for 35 years, and owns 40 basses (including 2 vintage Ricks). So now I’m wondering if I even need that on my board. To be honest, I can barely tell the difference with it on or off.


Absolutely. Love mine. You would not love mine and instead should get a POG. More or less the best choice.

I should probably elaborate. Octavers have lots of interesting glitchy behavior at their edges around tracking notes well. And sometimes the way they fail to track well they can make interesting, synthy sounds that I love. The Boss OC-2 was interesting for this, and my pedal is a clone of that.

Instead you probably want a nice modern digital octaver that tracks faster. The Electro-Harmonix POG is a great one.

TC Sub-n-Up looks cool too. I think Toby has one.


In the end, isn’t that all that counts!?!?

If you ever go into a studio, they will have all the gear to “tweak” your sound for a recording; so, if you don’t feel that you hear a difference, why use one? Much less upgrade one?

I am as confused as the next guy when it comes to sound, but the problem I can see (and read in here) is that if you ask two guys you get two different answers; if you ask 10 you get 10 different answers…

It’s your bass, your sound, your ears! End of story! :smile:


Yes, I’m considering that one also


This is why I suggested your MXR was just fine until you learned what they are and how to use them :slight_smile:

They are very subtle but once understood they become very useful for just making things sound better.


i have had the pog, the pog2 and the subnup. the sub2 overloaded my cabinet pretty bad, so got rid of it, also found the lowest octave setting pretty unusable. just loved the pog, but settled on the subnup. they are very very similar but the subnup is more flexible. pam, watch a few youtube videos on bass demos of the pog and the subnup, the two octave octavers sound much different then the old single octave octavers did. you might like it. also i might add, my new amp has an octaver built into it, but you could do the same with a pedal - the idea is to just blend in a touch of octave to thicken up your sound without giving a noticeable octave effect.


I was watching this Scott Devine video on his 5 “Must have” pedals, and the first one he talked about, and the one he said he couldn’t do without was his octave pedal. He has the Boss OC-2 and the POG.


I dearly love my OC-2 clone (TC Nether) but the more modern ones are definitely better at being accurate octavers. Plus are polyphonic (i.e. can shift chords and not just single notes).


that vid was why i bought the pog.


another pedal to look at is tdub mentioned the tc electronic brainwaves. i had never thought of it as being an octaver. but when i re-listened to some vids, it kinda is and can do some other cool things too.


Wow, there’s a bunch of them on Reverb