Where can I try out a lefty Jazz or P bass?

Here’s my issue. I’m still super duper new (so this is really premature), and I have a really cheap bass. It’s fine for learning, but eventually, I’m going to want a “big boy” bass. I kinda have my eye on a Fender Jazz or P, but I’m not sure WHICH. I have read about the differences, and I understand the different designs, but I would want to actually HOLD them and make real actual noise before I spent several hundred dollars.

Here’s the issue. I’m lefty. It’s hard enough to find music shops that HAVE lefty basses in stock, but an actual Fender? Not gonna happen. Wishing I lived in LA, lol.

Anyone have any ideas or ways to deal with this?

My first thought is see if instrument rentals is an option. Guitar Center, love them or hate them, sometimes has a pretty decent selection of rental basses. Rent one for a few days and try them out. I’d rather spend a few bucks to make sure I don’t needlessly spend more bucks. I do the same thing when I’m wanting to buy a car.

They likely have some left hand Squier’s available, at the very least, which should give you a good-enough idea of which you prefer.


If you’re ever in Columbus you can stop by and try out my lefty Schecter C4 lol. Other than checking places like Guitar Center, Music go Round, or pawn shops to see what they have in stock, you can always buy one from Amazon to see if you like it, then return it. I’m not a huge fan of using Amazon, but you can’t beat their return policy.


Ooh! Rentals! THAT is an option that hadn’t occurred to me! I’ll have to keep that in mind!

Try this spreadsheet that some forum members made up: BBForum_Lefty_Basses - Google Sheets
There are 3 tabs, so check them all. One is current left handed models, another discontinued, so might be out there used. The third is places that stock LH basses, some in the US in different states, but check the descriptions for those. At least you might use it as a reference for possible models available when you’re searching.


Just buy a Precision and a Jazz bass. You’ll do so eventually anyway, might as well be done with it :grin:


Ha ha ha…may sound crazy but he’s right you know. Can’t have one without the other if only because they each have their own very distinctive “voice” and applications. I’ve been playing in bands since 1966 and even then I had one of each and I still do.

If you can’t find them locally to try out as has been mentioned you can always depend upon the rather generous return policies offered by some dealers GC being just one example. I have a buddy who will often order two of something he wants to try from GC then return the one he doesn’t want to a local GC store to avoid any return shipping costs.

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This is, ultimately, the only truly correct answer.

One thing I would recommend is not going in with a preconceived idea that you need a Fender. There’s a world of great basses out there, and Fender only really makes lots of relatively small variation models of two instruments, with occasional flings showcasing others of their classic designs. There’s nothing wrong with them, but they are but a tiny slice of what is out there.


:100: This.
Other than the pre amp controls being different, can’t honestly say I noticed a difference between the Sire V3 I had at home at the time, and the fender jazz bass they gave me at the guitar store to try amps besides being about £300 more expensive :joy:

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Thank you so much for your inputs everyone! I love it.

As to the preconceived notions… I’ll admit - it’s not the more “intellectual” reason, but the reason I want a Fender is I just plain LIKE how they look. Simple as that. Granted, I’m not about to spend $800 on just THAT - I’ll want to TRY one to see if I even like it, but that is a nontrivial factor in that desire. I mean, hell, I’d LOVE an early-70’s Ricky, but I’m nowhere NEAR ready to spend THAT kind of dough, lol.

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Schecter makes a lefty option for almost every model of bass they build. Just FYI

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