Where should I start over

I purchased the course back in mid-December and went quickly through the lessons. I decided on the 4 month plan. Was just really getting into it when I injured my back and hip. Most of the time I can’t stand very long, and it hurts to sit down. I’d gotten through about half the lessons when I had to stop because I just couldn’t find a position where something wasn’t hurting too much. So haven’t played in several months and was wondering where I should start back at? Since the first lessons were taken months ago should I just go ahead and start back at lesson #1 and go on from there, or just go back one or two lessons and then continue on? The first half is easy stuff, and probably wouldn’t hurt to learn again, and I can probably do it much faster the 2nd time around, but just curious what Josh and others think?


Can’t speak for Josh, but I’d start at the beginning. Just breeze through the lessons that are easy, but make sure to nail the fast workouts before moving on. Then take every following lesson as it comes, working to maintain clean technique on every one. That’s really what’s key.

There’s no rush, no schedule, and no worry. Stuff comes with time and practice. Just keep working it to your best ability. Good luck and have fun!


What @MikeC said. Starting at the beginning will help you ease back into it, solidify good technique, and build confidence. Congrats on getting started again after your setback.


Agreed. I had something similar last year. Although the first lessons are pretty easy, i really appreciated circling back to fundamentals. It was good to dial it back and do it again and cement in things like playing posture, proper fretting, timing and technique. It was a pretty great experience.
Best of luck in your recovery!


Thanks all, that’s what I figured. Definitely won’t hurt to start at square 1, and may in fact be better in the long run.


Think you answered your own question. Definately start from the beginning


It’s good that your getting better and getting back into it.

I ran into a similar situation and started over at the beginning. No regrets. :sunglasses::+1:


I started from the beginning yesterday. Realized I didn’t have to go through all the slow and medium workouts as I was OK with fast. Went through whole lesson 1 in short order, so hopefully back to where I was shortly. I think it’s actually good doing a thorough review to help cement what I’m supposed to do.


I agree with the others who recommend starting at the beginning.
I completed the course as an absolute beginner on my fretted bass. I bought a fretless bass as a graduation present to myself. Then I repeated the entire B2B course on my fretless. It was a worthwhile experience. I felt like I improved my technique and also got more out of the course. I learned things that I might have missed the first time through while still having a lot of fun.