Just out of curiosity. Which model do you think Fender sells the most of? The precision or the jazz bass?
Just out of curiosity. Which model do you think Fender sells the most of? The precision or the jazz bass?
That’s a very tough question as I don’t think anyone was ever asked that before, lol.
Not sure for quantity P or J bass sold, but the number of neck profile Jazz neck profiles are definitely outnumber P 3:1 I think.
About the same, because everyone needs one of each.
That’s a winning logic.
I agree basses are like puppies. Getting a pair is always a good idea so they’d have a littermate.
I’m definitely more of a music man guy than fender though, lol.
As it should be
Ill also sign that.
Does a PJ count as P, J or neither?
Don’t all shout at once.
As much as you count a peanut butter and jelly sandwich as a peanut butter sandwich. The magic is in the combo
A modified P
Did you clean up, @Al1885 ?? I can almost make out individual pieces
Did you clean up, @Al1885 ?? I can almost make out individual pieces
Does a PJ count as P, J or neither?
Discuss…A modified P
As much as you count a peanut butter and jelly sandwich as a peanut butter sandwich. The magic is in the combo
I do love PB (and just PB) sandwiches too though
Then again I will eat PB out of the jar with a spoon. In fact this is how I usually eat PB
The smell inside a jar of peanut butter when first opened is one of man’s greatest gifts to civilization.
Oh yes. My latest addiction is Kirkland mixed nut butter.
Then again I will eat PB out of the jar with a spoon.
I think PB is an interesting example of cultural conditioning (i.e., growing up with something and thus liking it (or not)).
In Europe, it is not so common to have peanut butter, and to me, a quarter spoonful of it sucks ALL the saliva out of my mouth… it’s not even fun to eat, and tastes so so. I’d rather have a Snickers (or, Nutella, if I were forced to eat out of the jar
I do use PB occasionally in African stews