Which Speed Lesson Plan?

Although I’m probably familiar with at least half of the content of the Beginner to Badass course, I’m going to sign up for it anyway, as I’m pretty sure I could do with putting some sort of structure to it all.

I have a question about the 3 plans though - the 1 month hardcore, 3 month Fast Track, and 6 month Steady Eddie plans.
How does this work?
If I choose 3 month (most likely) does it mean I get the lessons emailed at specific intervals?
If I do one lesson and then want to do the next lesson straight away, do I have to wait for it to drop into my emails?




You get access to the whole thing at once as soon as you have signed up, @Mark_D!

I think the reason there are these three plans is to give us some way to structure our approach to learning the bass, to entice us to stick to a schedule, rather than have it completely open, up to our own lazy behinds :grin:

Personally, I immediately knew I wasn’t going to make it in 1 month, even though I was impatient; I had a day job after all! So, I kind of started with the Fast Track, but then it took me longer anyway, as I got “inspired” during the lessons and thus got side-tracked to investigate this and that aspect of playing bass and music in general.

Anyway, you can do it as fast as you like. And as many times over as you like :smile:

Good luck!


That’s just great, thanks for the explanation.
I know the one month option is way too optimistic. For me anyway, and I can imagine me doing pretty much the same as you - with the side tracks etc.

Thanks again


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Thanks for help on this.

I’ve just signed up for the course.
Frustratingly I shortly have to go to work (13.00 to 23.00) so won’t be able to get stuck in until nearly midnight.
I’ve got the weekend off though, so should be able to cover some ground then.

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Very cool @Mark_D! I look forward to reading what you think of the course.

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I started out with the goal of doing it in one month, since I’m retired and have time on my hands. But I felt like I was rushing through it. My rushing came to a screeching halt though, when I came face to face with Billie Jean. She made me revise my goal to 90 days, and I enjoyed learning at that place.


I am going to try to do the B2B course in 30 days as part of my 30 day challenge lifestyle I have adopted
I start on Friday (Nov 1)
Wish me luck
I can’t wait to get started. I have watched a few of the beginner videos from the course but it will be good to start learning with the actual bass


Absolutely! Good luck!
I look forward to seeing the video you were talking about in another thread.

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That is something else I have to learn. Making and editing video
I am going to be busy
I’m telling you now. The first video is going to be crap!

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All that, and making coffee mugs too…


@Mark_D I actually just purchased the course as well and my original intent was to do the 90 day plan just because I also thought 30 days sounded too intense. However I find myself wanting to keep playing at the end of each lesson, so I think I am just going to go with it and try to hit the 30 days after all.

I was a little off track because I hadn’t planned on doing the 30 days at first, but last night I stopped at the end of the Day 6, so even though it has not been 7 days since I started, tonight I will start Day 7 and hopefully be a badass in less than a month!


I’m doing the 3 month plan - not necessarily doing every lesson on every given day. Sometimes you just get on a roll and can’t stop :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I think as long as you’re consistent and finishing roughly within that timeframe you’re good. I look at it as a way to track progress