Women on Bass

Hahaha! But nope - I mean a women’s bra, and NOT a sports bra. (I always appreciate your comedic timing, though - are you sure you’re not Simon Pegg?)


I’m pretty sure it was intensional and calculated. If she’d worn a turtleneck that video would not have surpassed a 5 million views regardless of her massive talents. She has not since put on similar outfit.


Maybe because all anyone talked about was her nipples instead of her performance. Meaning, if it was intentional and calculated with the aim of getting tons of views online, then why wouldn’t she do it again?


I’ve been thinking about where to post this, and think this is as good a place as any.


Male dominated things can be quite off-putting to women sometimes.
I am not looking to philosophize this topic on a global scale, but rather relate it to here in our ‘happiest place on the internet’ - which may in fact not be for some.

In an online world of formums, social media and such, it does not take much to sour someone to a community or individuals, etc. I personally think this is especially true for some (or many, I don’t really know) women.

We generally do a very good job here of creating a warm, happy, safe place, but, I think we all can do a bit better.
I worry sometimes that discussions that point out the hotness of a woman or in this case, a single nipple (not even two!) dissuade women from wanting to be a part of the community.
I know this is no one’s intent, but sometimes understanding is the first step in realizing.

I surely don’t know what’s right or wrong, and surely know you can’t please everyone all the time, however, I offer up this as a guidepost on how one might think of it…

  1. Would you say it to your mom?
  2. Would you say it to your daughter?
  3. Would you say it to a woman on a first date?
  4. Would you say it to a woman at work?

These might seem silly or over the top, but, creating a safe space for women on this forum is imperative in my mind. There ain’t many, and many many of them have not stuck around.

Not looking for huge debates here, this is just my thinking and framework I am choosing to use moving forward.

Peace and love…


and back to the topic at hand…Kinga shredding it



Doris Yeh


That’s really well put, John, thanks. I’d considered posting similar but you put it better than I would have.


I love her style.

Bridget Kearney



Gacharic Spin is always good to go to when you want a smile. F Chopper always looks like she is having the most fun in the place.


Somehow “Sara Plays A Bass” popped up months ago on facebook and I followed.
She has been getting better and better and better at lightening speeds, and has now been gigging with lots of folks.


Hope to see her grow and grow.

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Hey @howard - any idea what her bass is? I guess some kind of one-off?


Not sure about that one. She normally plays a Vellmor, her signature bass. The FCK in their model names refers to her (F Chopper Koga):


in action:

(that one’s worth watching at least through the break :slight_smile: )


You know that aspect of getting yourself interested in an instrument because somebody looks cool with it?

For me and bass, it was Gail Ann Dorsey with Bowie, especially live. While she might not be on many recordings (Earthling album and Toy and The Next Day for some tracks), GAD made sure to leave her signature on all songs. She’s with Kravitz nowadays (mostly), a very solid bass player and an amazing vocalist. I love her backing vocals. She’s like a support powerhouse.


She’s awesome. You could tell by the way Bowie treated her on stage that he totally respected her too.


One of the often overlooked aspects of DB’s career is the excellence of the band surrounding him at all times. When you look closer, it was the rhythm section that had some devilishly hidden gems like George Murray, Trevor Bolder, GAD, Zach Alford, Sterling Campbell, Alomar, Carmine Rojas (that China Girl bridge riff was the tipping point for me switching to bass) and the absolute GOAT (when it comes to Bowie, at least) Dennis Davis.

Tony Visconti is also one hell of a bassist. Tony Levin also did some marvellous numbers for Bowie (Slip Away from Heathen, for example).


She was the longest, right? Like 20 years?

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I believe so, yes. Maybe sharing that with Tony Visconti, but he did only studio work (and produced all those records so finely that you can hear them sweet bass lines). As for other session ppl, I think Carlos Alomar was there longest, albeit on/off. Same with Earl Slick and Mike Garson.

I’m a total Bowie nerd, sorry for going into too much detail.


Hahaha no worries.

She’s worked with some other bands I really like, especially Gang of Four and The The.


ooooo nice! That is definitely a 5-string I would consider…


Action shot:

Love the duct tape over her straplocks. She’s famous for spinning and flinging her bass around :rofl: