so I’ve said it before, I don’t hate fender. honestly. I do get annoyed at a few people that think all basses begin and end with fender. but I do respect and kind of even love the history and importance of fender. but G dammit they really make it hard sometimes. take the following instruments which are stunning and trying to be environmentally and socially responsible. respect. but then, they are… $12000 DOLLARS? I mean, it’s almost laughable about how they completely miss the whole friggin point. “like hey man, save the trees, save the earth, mannnnn. come on, you’re a hard rockin’ portfolio fund manager, buyyy one”
the whole entire point of offering an environmently sustainable ANYTHING is that it has to be a reasonable alternative to that which is not sustainable. and that is not the case here, how is this a reasonable alternative (at a whatever thousand percent markup to a similarly spec’d guitar)? I could care less if they want to offer a bazillion dollar guitar made out of mink foreskins. but please spare us the whole “look at us being all earth friendly” nonsense. this just leaves a bad taste in people’s mouths and equates trying to be sustainable with a money grabbing scam.