Yamaha BB734a question

I love my TRBX504 with rounds. I’ve been playing it about 5 months. It’s now my go to and I’ve basically shelved my MIM Fender Jazz aside for some blues stuff.
But like a lot of us I am getting the itch for a P/J style. After owning the Yamaha, Fender brand has lost its shine. I really like the BB734a - just wish it had more color options. Any thoughts on the BB734?

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Calling @howard


Yep! Paging @howard


Spoiler alert - he loves it. :slight_smile:


Haha yes it’s the best non-limited bass I have ever owned. I have owned both colors and strongly prefer matte black.

Happy to answer questions.


No! really?!

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I love everything about that bass I’m just a bit spoiled by the BBNE2 wider string spacing. It (BB734A) sounds about as awesome as the BB3000 and to my beholder’s eyes it looks better as well, :joy:


Dig it, @Al1885!

I’m as happy for your having a thing that brings joy as I could be for a cherished thing that’s mine.


How does the BB weight compare to the TRBX504? The BB headstock is bigger- any neck dive? what strings do you have on yours? I was considering GHS pressurewounds rather than flats. My 504 is matt black I like the color. Still undecided on if I want another black bass or the coffee. Thanks for the information

It’s heavier. The BB734A has a three layer body of alder with a maple core to give it deeper tone; this adds to the weight. Still, it’s lighter than a MIA Fender Jazz. My BB weighs 4.3kg (9lbs 8oz).

No, the bass is perfectly balanced.

Right now it has the stock D’Addario EXL170 nickel roundwounds. I am about to change the strings to NYXL (also nickel rounds).

It would also work great with flats. It is really versatile and would work well for everything from motown to rock to punk. In fact I have seen it used for genres across that whole range.


Wow thanks for the info. I already knew that I wanted to buy the BB but you’ve definitely made me feel better about my decision. You don’t work for Yamaha do you? :rofl:


I get this a lot :rofl:

For reals they should just pay me tips or something. I am their biggest fanboy, not just for guitars and basses either - they also make the motorcycle I was always gonna buy next before the wife vetoed them.

Dislike their synthesizers though, well in particular the DX7, which is borderline synth sacrilege but hey I’ve always been a heretic there too.


The 734a is what I’m planning as my graduation gift to not sucking bass. Hooky is the man, and this is the closest (I think) that I’m willing to pony up right now to get something like the 1200. Not gonna lie though, that BBPH would be sexy.


If you can find one :slight_smile:

They didn’t make very many.

FWIW Hooky mains the BB734A now, or the BBPH - he likes them better than his old 1200 :open_mouth:

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The BB734a is supposed to be my 60th birthday present. I just don’t know if I can wait until August :blush:


My Ibanez 305EDX was a 45th birthday present to myself last year. I bought it 2 months before my birthday, because why lose that time that I could otherwise be playing it :slight_smile:



Me picking up my BB is going to be dependent on me being less bad at bass. I’m hoping it’s either my birthday (November) or Christmas gift this year. I’m not really sure what the measurable for “less bad” is yet. I think it’s more of a I’ll know it when I see it kinda deal. Or my birthday will roll around. Something like that.

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