3D printed instruments and gear

I looked up what kind of 3d models to print of instruments and gear already exists and I was astonished at some of the products that exist out there. I don’t have much experience with building or repairing instruments but I thought I could be a an interesting little project to see what I could produce on my printer.

So I took a look around and there seem to exist models for following instruments:

A lot of useful tools:
Guitar Wall mounts
Foldable Guitar Stand
Lots of Picks/Pick Holder/Pick Keychain
Lots of Capos

I think I will try out the fully printable guitar or the ocarina first. Depending on how long a testrun would take for the guitar. Printing stuff is fun, but it takes hours upon hours and then there still may be something wrong with the result. It is only for the patient.


Wow, you have your own 3D printer, that is sooooooo bad ass.

Foldable guitar stands are always welcome, can’t ever seem to have enuf.


@juli0r it is only the opposite of a cnc machine. With a cnc machine you start with a block of wood and remove the bit’s until you have a bass. 3d printer and you start with a roll of filament and an empty space that you fill in the shape of a bass… :rofl:
:guitar: :slight_smile: :guitar:


I don’t get it. What does it mean?

I’m still curious about the fully printable instruments. I think anything flute/recorder/whistle like could actually get up to a good quality and also printing a body might be feasable.

Other than that I think it’s a fun project but it will never yield a result that produces a good instrument I think. It’s mainly curiousity and playing around.


Sorry @juli0r Tongue Firmly In Cheek = Making light of something.

“I can play Billie Jean @ 180bpm” TFIC as an example :rofl:
:guitar: :innocent: :guitar:


I just printed a capo since I forgot to order one, seems good but I think I will put some foam or shrink tubing around the clamps to protect the bass a bit more.

Currently looking into doing my own cable holders. I am making 3D stuff and have done some custom inlays and figures for board games so I should be able to do it :smiley:


really cool, what is the material you are using?
Is this a home printer, or something at work.
What are you using to model the capo?
Or did you just grab one from the links above?


It’s normal PLA filament printed with a Creality CR10 for home/amateur usage :smiley:
This capo was one from the links above, they seemed functional already so no need to experiment with printing (it took 2 hours).

Currently using a lot of Tinkercad (its free online and easy to use) if it doesn’t have to be precise. For other more complex stuff I use Maya& AutoCAD


I have never played around with any of the free online software, although I know it has come a long ways in a short time.
I primarily use Solid works, but even more so, I often just model in MasterCam or PowerShape since most models I create are going to get tool path created on them.
I have been around 3d printing long enough, but never have actually printed anything myself, would be fun some day.


Just let me tell you that it’s another hobby to sink a lot of time into if you want to get serious.
I don’t print too often but when I do it’s rewarding and fun.


Not too sure if it’s a good idea to revive this 2020 topic, but it still feels the most appropriate to post a little DIY thingy of mine :

If you ever decide to give it a try, please let me know the results here or in the comments at thingiverse.
Also, if you check my profile/designs, you might find something else useful :clef:
(or not ^^)