Ah okay Thanks @howard I was totally unaware of that
I will accompany you to the bass centre, we will both be in trouble then.
Im pretty sure we are safe though because Guy would have shut up shop with the stage 3 restrictions on again, it will be online only.
Lucky for us.
cheers Brian
The online thing is as bad as I keep having a browse lol
I think Josh is a really good teacher and I have taken his course. Another teacher is Scott. I prefer Josh’s style and content, but Scott does have many good and helpful videos. Here’s one on why you should probably not switch to 5-string: Why you SHOULDN'T play a 5 string bass... - YouTube
I’ve seen that video in the past. If you watch it, Scott isn’t specifically saying you SHOULDN’T play a five string. He’s actually pointing out some important things to take into consideration before making the move to a fiver. The title of the video is misleading.
Hey PamPurrs. True. Also, I should have contexted my reply better. What Scott does say, as you know, is that you shouldn’t get a five-string and expect to go back and forth between it and a four-string. Your playing will be better if you commit to one or the other. He could be wrong, but it steered me away from five-string.
Oh that’s funny. That is exactly what I’m intentionally doing! I suppose I’d be better faster on one or the other, but I’m wanting to also learn the skill of adapting to different instruments. With no evidence whatsoever to support this theory, I’m thinking it may be like learning a language. The first foreign language is difficult, but learning how to learn a language makes learning the next ones easier. It’s just as likely I should be saving the shooting myself in the foot for after becoming a Badass.
Yes, but there’s a difference and you have to adjust, right?
Sure - after a while you become used to both instruments, but they’re still different to play.
I have absolutely no problem switching between 4 and 5 strings. It takes getting used to, but it’s really just a matter of knowing that the top string (the one closest to your chin) is the B string if you’re playing a fiver, and it’s the E string if you’re playing 4. It just takes a moment to think and realize what you’re playing.
Not really any difference @juli0r, they are both basses, just extra strings?
You can add even more strings if you want but still basses in the end, just more choices and the wider fret board:joy:
I barely reach the E-String on a 4-string bass with my fingers. With the pinky I already got a weird hand position if I have to fret the E-String.
Weirdly, the E string is a shorter reach on the 5-string because the string spacing is tighter. I actually have a harder time playing the E string on the 4-string. The B is a longer reach than the 4-string E though.
Nah, that’s not weird - that was what I expected.
Like I already have a hard time reaching the lowest string at the narrower neck. With a wider neck I feel like that string would not be used except with maybe for the index/middle.
But I gotta try one out some time. Just not now.
I don’t have the money to buy another bass and once I start looking… you guys know how this goes. It would instantly fuel MDB.
That’s where it is different for everyone @DaveT & @juli0r,
I find i don’t like playing my J -bass because the fret board is narrower than my P-bass .
I don’t have an issue reaching across the fret board on any of the basses, the wider the better,I just prefer the wider neck.
I should pull the 5 string out and give it a run, haven’t played it in a while.
Cheers Brian
There is know major issues when changing from 4 to 5 strings
on Bass,
here is the best thing to do when you first start on a 5 string from a 4 string, Just start at the 5th fret on the low B string
and play less open strings,/ And remember the spacing of the strings are closer on a 5 string bass.
I play both and own both 4 & 5 string,but I prefer 4 string
my 4 string have a bass extender for drop D
but the 5 string have more range with less shifts
Both are great
If I could only own 1 Bass guitar it would be a 4 string
i’m lucky to own Both, the open low B string is nice on the 5 string
Welcome @bzldwms.
But then you wouldn’t have had the pleasure of assembling this one yourself.
I’ve always built my own PCs and servers, never bought a factory-made one.
Not only is it fun to do, and very satisfying to switch on and see it working perfectly, I also feel much more comfortable replacing parts or cleaning it, because I am already very familiar with it.
You have also saved 150 or 200 bucks.
That’s a lot of strings, or a nice pedal / stool / lamp / whatever.
Most importantly, that beautiful bass is now truly yours. Because you have built it.
Yeah, that’s what I found too. I could play both but I really preferred the neck feel, overall weight and string spacing on the 4 string.
I ended up selling my 5-string and getting a second 4-string, and stringing it BEAD. Best of both worlds
Welcome aboard @bzldwms,
Enjoy the ride.
Cheers Brian
There’s a distinct possibility I may end up following the same path.
I am gradually getting to grips with the width of the fretboard and the extra string but I find I reach for the 4 string more often than not.
I will not be rushing into anything though