Give it a good shot for sure! You took a smart route here.
Thank you @howard
I think thats so kool,
Stringing a 4 string as BEAD
I always wanted to do that to my MIM Fender J Bass
? How did you re-work the nut to hold the .135 diameter
Low B String.
Did you use a reamer or a round file
I just used a round file, it was super easy
I have both a 4 and a 5 string i prefer the 4 string but they are really cheap used basses that put together dont add up to much. I do like the looks and sound of the 5 string basses
@JoshFossgreen I hope it’s okay to link this here…
If anyone is thinking of transitioning to the 5 string, this is the bass with which I went through the entire B2B course (and a great many other courses). The only reason I’m selling her is because I upgraded to the BB735.
She’s a great bass and I almost hate to sell her.
I LOVE playing 5 string!
Here’s the link
No problem!