Apple sux

most of us around here are probably old enough to remember the long running ad campaign that pitched apple as a cool sweater wearing young guy and Microsoft as the suit wearing old out of touch corporate guy. which is hilarious these days. I hate apple. and yet I do have and use apple products, you almost can’t escape it.


Me too! Cause of iTunes … but this video confirms the sentiment!

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In my humble opinion, Apple behave corporately far worse than Microsoft ever did. I never cease to be amazed by how many people, even now, still laud them as the ‘good guys’. I mean these were the people who introduced their own proprietary sound compression format and signed on bands with exclusive contract so you could only listen to those bands if you bought Apple kit to play it. (or tapped into the almost immediate hacks to convert them to open format compression :rofl: :sunglasses:).


It’s a different company since the days of Steve Jobs. Say what you want about the dude, he was a tyrant and a raging narcissist and possibly even a sociopath but he was also a visionary that had a very clear and concise direction for the company and likely would never have allowed some of the recent crap to happen.

Tim Cook is a piece of trash.

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but apple is amazing at design:

i have been an apple user for close to 30 years and while they certainly take risks and then make a lot of fuck ups, i’ll take their stuff over a windows machine any day.

edit: to be clear i agree that this ad was, at best, tone-deaf, and very much NOT what people making a living creating things are feeling right now, especially in light of many creators feeling marginalized by AI, corporate greed, etc…


Could be worse in my opinion. They could give away their OS, hoover every single bit of data about you including all those websites you go to in private browsing mode, every keystroke, every device that you plug in and sell every bit of that data. Apple has plenty of faults but at least their business model is to screw you while they’re facing you.


you certainly aren’t alone in that but personally I have found PC’s much easier to use (in the last 10 years anyways). and yes I do actually own both right now, I run garage band on a Mac mini. I have a feeling a lot of Mac people haven’t really spent a lot of time with a PC recently.


Maybe not but I’ve got my Azure admin certs (did all of my studying and coursework on a MacBook), manage a team of Windows and Azure admins, and have been a MS admin myself since Windows NT 3.5. :person_shrugging:

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I love apple products…

I wasn’t always this way, I used to be a PC snob and only used android smartphones.

Then I bought an iPhone and honestly I haven’t looked back. My MacBook and iPhone just work. All the time. I never have to do anything. They always work. I can’t say I have ever had any significant issue with any apple product I’ve owned.

I don’t love the company but their devices are quite enjoyable to use :man_shrugging:t2:


The dongle.

There’s a special place in hell for the team from Apple who thought I wanted this as a concept.


This is how they make so much profit :crazy_face:

Also amazing that people get butthurt by an Apple ad

That and explicitly degrading performance as the battery ages.

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I’m deep into the Apple Ecosystem, so I’ll see myself out, :joy:


I’ve been a Mac jockey since the Fat Mac debuted in 1984. Prior to that, I had a big PC rig that I absolutely loathed (and sold at a major loss, just to be rid of it).

I’ve made my living as a creative on every Mac that’s ever been, upgrading constantly. It’s been expensive, but investments in Macs have made me far more bread than I spent.

I have touched PCs along the way when I absolutely couldn’t avoid it, particularly when developing client videos and websites. I’ve also done lots of creative work for IBM and especially Dell as both behemoths have been instrumental in turning Austin into “Silicon Hills,” the doppelgänger of Silicon Valley. Now, Apple campuses have become the dominant player around Austin.

Steve Jobs was as imperfect a human being as possible in many significant ways, but he was also undeniably a visionary genius.

I understand the angst and passion around the tiresome Mac-vs-PC debate, how Apple is this or that, or not what it used to be, yada, yada, yada. But Apple products have allowed me to create and prosper with the barest minimum of effort for decades. I do work for tech clients of all stripes so I know what the latest/greatest shiny objects are and what they do. In fact, my exact job is to explain that to prospective customers. So, good, bad, or indifferent, Apple, et al, has been beddy, beddy good to me. YMMV


I’m not going to bash Apple, I will instead post a video from one of the concerts Woz put on with his profits from being Apple’s co-founder

the reason a lot of people are very uptight about the ad is because apple is/has been more or less ‘industry standard’ for “creative” fields like art/design/etc — they have traditionally been used by people who make these sorts of things for many years, and back in the day was very much an outsider kind of product that artists/designers trusted to use (before iPhone and market share etc…). so while the intent of the ad makes perfect sense the visual of the corporate entity literally destroying a bunch of creative tools — especially at a time when a lot of people in art/design are feeling even more marginalized than usual due to AI, et al — just leaves a bad taste.

having said that i personally am not offended by the ad i just think it was a tone-deaf read on a cool idea (like, why not use a Tron-like laser thing and suck all the tools into the iPad, etc…)

my personal opinion is that for large companies, making money is always the first priority and no matter what they say in their marketing, “caring about their customers” is way, way, way, way down the line.

having said all of that, having used both PC and Mac extensively, to me it is not even a contest — for what i do and the fields i am involved in and the way i use my phone & computer, mac stuff spanks PC in every metric except cost/affordability.


I actually quite like the ad, I ‘get’ what they are trying to say :wink:

It never ceases to amaze me that, thirty (cough) years ago, while at university, I was trying to record material on a mates 4-track Fostex Portastudio. It generally sounded sh!t, especially once you had tried to get to seven tracks by bouncing them down - muddy, muffled are the words that spring to mind!


^ 1980s technology :woozy_face:

^ latest song I’m covering in GarageBand :sunglasses:

Today, we can record, mix, shoot a video, synch the audio & video and then upload into the ether, all from a small device that you can carry around in your pocket! I’m mean, seriously, how freakin’ amazing is that?! And given that GarageBand and iMovie are bundled with your iPhone, you don’t even have to shell out on specific apps.

As an aside, regarding Apple stuff just working, the dog ate one of my wife’s EarBud Pros the other day. She blames the cat, he knocked them into the floor and the dog just happened to be there! Anyway, she thought she would try something different and bought some expensive Bose QuietComfort Earbuds II (£200) They sounded wonderful (note the past tense), but they would not stay connected to her iPhone. So in reality, they were cr@p and got returned at the beginning of this week. She now just going to get a replacement bud and carry on with the Apple product … because it connects instantly and stay connected.

Yes, we have a ‘Big Mac’, a MacBook Air and a couple of iPads, but I also use a Windows PC for work, as does my daughter for school.

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I had an adapter like that that went from Mini-USB to my headphones.
That was back when I had a Windows Mobile 5 phone, at a time when the first iPhone wasn’t even released. :smiley:

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I use both every day and dramatically prefer the mac.