Just wondering if there’s a company that makes headphones that don’t require any kind of external amp and can be plugged directly into the output jack of an electric bass.
Check out this link, @NipperDog
HTH and all best,
The vox bass head phones would probably be direct headphone to use into your bass without any other device to plug into.
Thanks! I wasn’t having any luck searching on my own.
I personally use the bighead from Phil Jones. Every one here like the Zoom b1 four stompbox. Many options on it. Lot cheaper than my bighead.
Not sure if you are aware, there is also the Vox amPlug and the Nux Mighty Plug that are also very popular.
The iStrobosoft app for cellphones can do this when used with an adapter cable or iRig 2.
The Zoom B1 Four will also accomplish this for you.
I do not know if there are headphones alone that can accomplish what you are asking but I am sure if there is someone on the forum will know.
Thanks but I was looking for something that doesn’t protrude because I’m afraid I’d knock it off in no time.
I got those for practice. Though I have no real comparison. They work quite well.
There are NO headphones alone that can be plugged into a bass guitar. They need some sort of amplification system for them to work, @Celticstar . . .
Check out that link I posted above.
I was under the impression that the ones that @BigAl provided the link to above had the amp built into them.
Yes, that’s correct . . .
Headphones alone won’t work . . . you need some sort of amplification system.
If the amp is built inside the 'phones, then the headphones are self contained and don’t require an external amplifier. Right? Or am I missing something?
Right. . .
If the amplifier is built into the headphones, then you won’t won’t need an external amplifier. You still need an amplifier for them to work though, whether it’s internal or external.
Gotcha, thanks Joe!
Hi Steve, the ones I posted run on 3 AAA batteries the headphones are specially made for bass amplification. If you just want to use plain headphones you would need some sort or device to amplify your sound. It can get expensive or not not. There are many options out there. For a beginner these vox are fine you can play any were with out taking any thing but your bass and vox headphones. You won’t be bothering any body with your playing. There’s aux to plug in your phone and play along with you music also. It has a little drum machine built in it and 3 different amp modes to pick from. I hope this helps.
Thanks Al, that help a lot.
The link provided by @Jazzbass19 is a powered head phone providing approximately 16 hours of life with 3 AAA batteries and uses Vox’s acclaimed amPlug technology and combining it with Audio-Technica’s innovative headphone design,…
B2B have posted that they love this device. It’s a pedal with lots of bells and whistles. You plug your headphones into it. It has a tuner, looper, about 60 different pedals, you can use up to 5 at one time. Drum machine and cabinet simulation. Lots of bang for your buck. Also some good for the beginner. One more option to look at. Good luck finding your sound.
I use a vox amp and AKG reference headphones. I would imagine that with the vox you would be fine with an ok set of headphones. You also have the advantage of a drum track and a line in from a phone or lap top. The angle is adjustable so it shouldn’t stick out