Are You an Intermediate Bassist? (17-point Checklist)

Nice @howard, I really liked your version!


Wow, that was great @joergkutter I really liked your your tone. What kind of rig you running through?


Thanks, @TK-421! And a solid, no fuss bass line on your submission :smile:

I used my Yamaha TRB5Pii directly to GarageBand via a Roland Rubix DAI. In GarageBand, I used a preset called “Clean Bass/Hi-Fi DI”, tweaked the amp settings a bit, and applied a compressor and a bit of chorus.

I have recently strung half-rounds on that bass. They are less “punchy”/bright than roundwounds, but also more forgiving wrt scratch and scrape noises. I have yet to find out how fast they go “flat”, but so far I like them a lot (even though, never having played anything but roundwounds, I needed to get used to their “feel” first). Also, they are a bit more expensive and not as easily found in all stores (but easy to order online).


Ok, here’s my effort at a bassline. It’s nothing fancy, just a rudimentary walking bassline.

For those who don’t know, I play a 5 string with tape wound strings. The low G is on the 8th fret of the B string and the highest note is an A on the 14th fret of the G string.


Very nice, @PamPurrs . . . :slight_smile:


Thank you, Joe :slight_smile: :blush:

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Wow, there is a lot of oomph in that bass :grinning:

Do you prefer the higher registers or why did you play “up there”??


Ummm… I’m not sure how to take that. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

What do you mean by, “Up there”?

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Yeah… why wouldn’t it?? :grin:

Hm, the way I understood your description, it seemed like you were mainly fretting between the 8th and 14th fret…

No hidden agendas from my side, just curious! :smile:

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Ah, now I understand…

I could have played the G on the 3rd fret of the E string and gone from there, but instead I chose to start at the 8th fret of the B string. Why?

Two reasons:

(1) I like the rich, deep tone of the B string, even though that G is in the same octave as the G on E string.

(2) When I can (and it doesn’t affect the product), I prefer to play above the 7th fret because they are narrower and it’s easier for me to span them with my not so long fingers.


@joergkutter is it wrong to do it the way I did?



No, no, not at all, @PamPurrs! Unusual, perhaps… but who am I to say!? I was really just trying to learn and understand - I’m curious about what artistic choices people make and what motivates these choices!

When it comes to music, very little is “wrong” :smile:


That makes me feel better Joe… while I can keep up on the Fast workout to Billie Jean sometimes…it frequently devolves into a twisted mess of fingers and my bass sounding like to bulls trying to find a mate… LOL


Damn Pam…that sounded REALLY good! thanks for sharing that!


@faamecanic thank you very much!


@PamPurrs - When it comes to making music, there is no “Right or Wrong” way… At least from my perspective…

How we express ourselves is different across the board. Reggae is different from Jazz; Rock is different from Blues; Country is different from grunge/stoner… etc…

Your ear to the piece wanted you to play everything from notes on your low B to notes on high frets of your G. - all within the appropriate chord structures… To me, a very artistic approach to your bass line creation!!:grinning:

I believe that @joergkutter was only curious as to why you decided to use the notes you did - not that they were wrong or anything, but as bassists, we all want to learn from each other and find out why we did what we decided to do when creating a bass line…

We all express ourselves a bit differently with our music, and what makes our forum so much more different than any of the other bass forums is that we understand and accept that difference - and as such, we all ask questions.

Please keep those bass riffs coming!! Rosie loves it!!


@PamPurrs What the… Hell Yes!

That bass line flowed so well with that piece of music. I think Pam has been holding out on us.

Also, great sound quality on your recording.
How did you have it set up?
What DAI?
What DAW?

I know you had asked questions about all that, but I didn’t know you had been working with it. Well done, Pam.

Edit: Your recording has 46 plays. Three of those are mine.


Thank you Eric for your kind words…

I recorded the bass overlay with the Zoom U-22 and Audacity.



Loved it, super glad you got the recording set up, and you’re making having that low B string so tempting for all of us now :slight_smile: