I love the looks of my new Yamaha (yes, it finally arrived two weeks later than expected)…
But it has a severe case of fret buzz… At least I think, that’s what it is, when it sounds like a buzz saw… As long as I’m only playing open string it’s fine… But, you know…
Since I didn’t have that with the Ibanez I think it’s not my bad technique…
So I’m about to let the local shop do a setup on both basses…
Now I’m wondering… Is there something I need to ask for in particular to not look like the noob I actually am, or is this the kind of „one setup please“ situation (+ maybe a change of strings for the Ibanez), and all necessary information is exchanged?
Sorry for asking dumb questions, I think the cough syrup might be affecting my brain
Just asking them to do a setup would be fine. You can also ask for a low, medium or high action. Let them know about the buzz and tell them it has never been set up.
If you like the current setup of your Ibanez and you’re bringing that in as well, they should be able to determine your preference based on that. Then again, if you like the setup of the Ibanez, why have it set up again?
Either way, I’d encourage you to learn how to set up your basses yourself. You might be surprised how easy it is, and it would allow you to fix little issues like this on the fly. Plenty of info to be found on YouTube as well as here on the forums:
I know that in the long run I’m better off doing the setup myself. But for now I don’t actually know, what it’s like to play a bass with a good setup.
That’s also the reason why I’m going to bring in the Ibanez as well. For now I only know, that playing the Iba feels better than playing the Yamaha (which is a no brainer, because that buzz is really annoying)…
That doesn’t necessarily mean there’s no room for improvement…
Also I bought the Iba used via eBay small ads. The guy who sold it, told me, he never really got into it… and judging by the looks of the gig bag it was sold with, it might have been stored in the cellar for quite a while.
Also I’m not even sure I know the exact type of Ibanez I bought. He said it’s a GSR180, but the pictures I found online all had two single coil pickups, while mine has a single and a split coil… With those I found a GSR200 online, but that has four knobs instead of just 3…
So bringing the Ibanez to the shop is more like an overall maintenance thing than just a setup.
Good idea! Depending on the overall state of your bass(es), there might be issues with the fret wires as well, and that is better left to an expert (depending on how grave it is).
Have you posted pictures of the bass here on the forum? The gals and guys here are typically very good in sleuthing bass models
Nope, I haven’t… It’s not really that important, because at the moment I don’t think about selling it… So I thought I might casually ask „do you per chance know…“, when visiting the shop
Haha, but that is really not the only reason why you’d want to know Once you know what it is, you can find more information about it, learn about it, and be better prepared for what you might want to look out for when you are starting to contemplate an upgrade
Your strategy with casually asking is good, but is not guaranteed to give you the right answer… (I’d let the people in here help for sure!!)
Btw I find it rather amusing that my brain feels like cotton, but I’m still able to write in a foreign language… Currently I have the attention span of a squirrel on LSD… Reminds me a lot of that dog in Josh’s GAS video…
No, it’s not long COVID… Had the big C last year around Christmas and recovered fast. Brain mush this time is just me having a cold /flu and being a wussy
Hi there. I just wanted to give an update on the setup thingy with my two basses.
Before Christmas I tried to bring the Yamaha to the shop, but was sent home by the staff. They had so many guitars and basses in the back waiting to be processed, that I couldn’t even let the bass there. They told me to come again in about two weeks (without appointment or even putting down a note somewhere)…
But they already told me that they probably couldn’t do much against the fret buzz, because for basses „that’s pretty normal“…
So I went to their smaller branch. Was able to leave the Yamaha there on first try. Information was about the same: „bass = fret buzz = deal with it“…
A week later I picked the Yamaha up. They said they have put the action a little bit higher, but not too much, because it’s already very high. Fret buzz is still annoying as ever.
My plan to bring the Ibanez to the shop for maintenance as well is now canceled. I’m afraid if they try to apply the same setup on that one, it will get annoying, too…
I like it just the way it is, hence no shop until further notice.
And yes, my go-to bass for practice is the Ibanez.
By the way: my practice space is in the bedroom. Hubby still didn’t notice that every once in a while the bass magically changes colors from black to dark redburst and back