Bass Porn

They must be really busy. I haven’t heard back from them about my inquiry.


I read they close for August too, hopefully you hear back soon.


There’s a check box on the inquiry form to choose PayPal or bank transfer and a disclaimer that they aren’t accepting overseas credit cards at the this time. Might change by checkout

This isn’t a showstopper btw just surprised


Yep, I checked PayPal for the robust buyer protection it offers. Peace of mind, and all that jazz.


Dingwall’s Matte Celestial Blue NG3-5 :heart_eyes:


Ah I might have done PayPal which is essentially credit cards to me. Lol


I’m a non-fiver, but to me that Dingwall has some nice design aesthetics.


Same, they also got 4 strings but not for this limited edition one. To be honest the B string on a Dingwall is really tight because of the multiscale setup. Didn’t Josh mentioned something in his video about that?


I was so so so so so gung-ho to get a Dingwall Nolly 5er.
I love the look and was zeroing in on the orange one…
Then I found a place locally where I could play it.
It was not for me.
I liked the fanned frets, and I love the look of it, and construction is nice, but, for me…
…the body is small and I am more of a Fender body guy, I don’t like little bodies, i could have gotten over it but the nail in the coffin was…
…tone, sure it is a tone monster for modern/metal etc, but that’s not really me and a bit to specific for me for my ‘one and only 5er’.

I ended up with a Lakland 55-02 for two reasons…

  1. I could get that vintage Jazz bass tone
  2. I could get some more modern tones
  3. The tone pallet with the pickups and the electronics is very broad, moreso than a Fender J fiver which, sounds like a Fender J with a B string.
  4. But the really big impact for me was the tone of the B on the Lakland, it is crazy good.

This is one case where my spidey-sense told me ‘don’t buy sight unseen’. I have gotten good at this from trumpets to saxes to now basses, and I was right. I have bought a lot of things blindly, but this one, you need to try before you buy. FWIW


For this price point I fully agree. Altho I do know of a few amazing bass players who said the Dingwall is maybe the best bass of this generation. In the end it’s all very personal and I still would love to try one.

I like Laklands too. They always catch my attention somehow.

Just got an update on my FGN… New bass might be inc :sweat_smile:


The August holiday isn’t the whole month, it’s a traditional holiday in Japan (Obon) that can range up to a week depending on the company.

If the timing lines up I might go by an Ikebe today. We’ll see.


Someone else noticed this when they contacted them a while back. My guess is they only have a couple English-fluent staff in the office. Not uncommon here; for a Japanese company they are actually pretty forward-thinking for having any global option here at all.

Once the order is processed they will do everything else quickly. This is a company operating in an environment where perfect next-day delivery is the norm everyone expects. Even Japan Post offers same day delivery here.




One thing to be prepared for: I have shipped things myself that got to the US in less than 48 hours, but then sat in US customs for 2 weeks :rofl:

They will give you a tracking number when it ships.


I agree as Paypal holds the money and easier to get your money back


I made a little field trip on the way home from work…

Their third floor bass store, Grandey Bass, is one of my favorite places. I wanted to run by to check out the Squier Classic Vibe '70s in person. Nice bass:

It’s funny because I don’t really like the color, but I love the whole package. Sharp looking bass.

Some nice Schecters, Yamahas, Fenders, and Squiers:

Part of their Sadowsky wall:

Black Smokers, some Laklands peeking in there:

Nestled in with all the new Yamahas was this sweet BB2000, price is probably fair too:

Meanwhile I swear the BBP34’s Midnight Blue color is still the GOAT. That’s not a relic, that’s super high gloss reflection:

New local brand I hadn’t heard of before, Three Dots - yet another boutique maker here building extremely good Fender clones:

Didn’t see any FujiGen! I didn’t go in the other room though (this was about half to two thirds of their stuff).

Mostly had fun trying out a few Fender P’s, including the Squier CV 70’s.


Thanks for NOT showing any Bacchus Woodlines :joy:

Do they have helplines for bass addicts in Tokyo?? :dizzy_face:


I saw them and thought of you! But didn’t get a pic. They were right next to the Black Smoker and Laklands. Probably 20 or so.




Actually you can see a Bacchus headstock right below the BBP34. Don’t think it’s a Woodine there though - but it might be. Edit; zoomed in, yep it’s a Woodline :slight_smile:

Some ESPs there behind the BB2000 as well - their Grassroots line, and also a Killer.