Bass Porn

You have a set list that is half drop tuned to C? You want a 5 or (better IMO) go BEAD. Your 604 will BEAD just fine as well.

Just down to B, any 5 string will fix that. Don’t need a variscale.

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I agree. I don’t have an NG. To be frank, I’d never heard of Getgood before I’d clapped eyes on a Dingwall - I still don’t think I’ve ever listened to any Periphery (I actually had to Google his band for this comment :rofl:).

I’d like a JT signature, but can’t justify buying another Dingwall. Anyway, my Combustion is all I need for now :wink:


I have the BTB version of that, because string spacing and zero fret. Heavy like a sack of rocks. But i love that thing. Needs very little maintenance what with the synthetic fretboard, but after looking up what ebonol is, supposedly wax makes it go ugly. Keep it away from anything wax.

After enough effects it’s not all that audible, but i feel like my one tends to cut the highs a smidge sooner than expected.

For drop-C stuff i have a 35" single scale 4-string, with 45-65-85-130 to make the strings more or less even tension. I did do the down tuning and all but, unless i also played with the truss rod it felt weird will all the loose strings. Needless to say, that made for a time consuming process.
Decided to keep one dedicated and set up for drop-C instead. Much lighter than the BTB.


Not sure it’s really “bass porn” but I wanted yo show you this weird P with a soapbar. Bass player of Accept, at the Hellfest yesterday. The sound is really convincing, more modern than a normal P but still very full and punchy. Soapbars are a nice choice really. Those pickups can do everything.


Some of the modern soapbars are really cool with the versatility. The Fishmans seem awesome.


I don’t know the Fluence bass pickups but the guitar pickups are awesome for sure. The bass pickups are most probably excellent too, yeah.


I’m really interested in trying a bass with those or the emg active soap bars. The schecter elite 5 string with 35" scale and fishman pickups really has my attention.

On the other hand I think maybe what I really want is a dingwall and I should just save up for buy once cry once .


just do that :slight_smile:


I want to play one to see if I like how it feels, but the closest dealers are several hours drive away. When I have the money I’ll take a trip to try them out, or I might be near one for work and check it out then.


@Morkai - this is a tone comparison for a BB734A in BEAD vs an Attitude 3 in EADG downshifted to BEAD.

It’s also going through a bit of Darkglass there (as will be obvious in the tone), plus the Attitude is downshifted in a Helix. Both sound awesome to me and represent viable options for you.

BEAD is awesome. Both are good options rather than going with a 5-string, if you don’t like 5’s (I don’t).

@Whying_Dutchman - the Attitude is the bass the DiMarzio Relentless P-pickup came from, Billy Sheehan worked with Yamaha and DiMarzio on these for years. This current model has a DiMarzio WillPower instead of the Relentless.

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That said, I think that a BEAD-dedicated bass is a second instrument. You still need a EADG/DADG one (at least).


Yes for sure.


9 in EADG
3 in Drop D
4 in Drop C#
3 in Drop C
3 in D#, G#, C#, F#
1 in DCFG
1 in BEAD
1 in C#,F#,B,E

That’s just my I can almost play these minus a few twiddly bits and what I pick from for my next cover.

The B/C starting variations are just where the strings really start to clack on the frets. (I got 75% of a post in drafts about my 3.5mm string action that I haven’t posted yet cause I keep looking crap up and trying to make sure I’ve covered the obvious)

As above, the resultant clacking on the frets is almost unplayable. But I’m nervous about doing anything permanent, like filing my nut cause it mostly sounds good on standard (current twangy D/G strings aside which is probably more my playing or inability to position knobs correctly than the actual strings)

The variscale is cause they look cool :sunglasses:, and they just look more comfortable to play tbh.

The 5 string… I honestly don’t know if I would like or not, I just figured if I keep playing such a variety of songs it might make it easier.

I honestly can’t tell the difference, even listening through my monitor headphones. I could probably change my mind about that flat black Yamaha BB - It looks rather sexy there.

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actually a 5 string is not necessarily a bad choice (even if I personnaly prefer 4 string)


Yes my dislike of 5’s is a me thing, nothing wrong with them!

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That was poorly replied too, both sound absolutely awesome, and definitely a sound I would like to reproduce, at least for the harder stuff, I was struggling today for Name, but that’s cause it’s not meant to be growly. and my current strings are definitely growly :slight_smile:


Haha no worries! And yes, both are great instruments, as is your TRBX.

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not a bad choice for a BEAD bass, when you want to upgrade for a better bass for the main one (EADG/DADG)

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Thats weird this is my Yamaha.


Yeah, I just found out why my DiMarzio DP126 sounds so lame. It is not the model Billy Sheenan worked on, but the model that was inspired by Ed Sheeran :slight_smile:
Similar name, different sound ^^

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