Here you go, @faydout. Ikebe has a truly nice BB1200 listed.
Ikebe ships internationally and will deal with you in English. They are reputable, and in fact are my go-to chain; I have bought several instruments from them. A few others have bought internationally from them. There’s an international contact link in the listing. The listed price is about $875 with a generic hard case. I would anticipate shipping to be $200-300.
i was actually going to try to get one when they came out, they had a huge promo push for them. lots of online review videos. than i discovered that they hadn’t set up any US distributors. brilliant business plan iz brilliant. i think they now have one, but i no longer care. edit: yep, they do.
Oh wow, I don’t know anything about them. Apparently it’s a Hosco brand; I didn’t know Hosco made instruments at all. I own a few of their luthier tools.