Bass Strings

Hi guys, I am pretty sure somebody talk about this topic before. What kind of strings are you suggesting between roundwound and flatwound? I am very keen in roundwound as the sound is much more powerful and give a punch. Which one are you using? I am a heavy metal musician but open for anything to try out


Yes, this is a popular topic, @AntonioM . . . check out this thread:

Cheers, Joe


Thanks buddy and I think I will try out the roundwound once. And see if I like them. I usually clean them with strings cleaner and keep nice and smooth everytime I play.


Rounds here. Always.


Rounds here too.

But if you are a heavy metal musician, depending on what sound. you want, Note that Steve Harris uses flats, and FWIH, he changes strings before every show, but he is Steve Harris, he can do whatever he wants,


Yes I know that Steve Harris use the flat one. I think it is also regarding what amp and tone you are using. I think I made my decision and I will go with roundwound and I can always change in flats one.

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I Have to ask Does Boiling your strings actually work to revitalize them and increase the life of the strings?


In my experience, boiling the strings did bring that bright life back to the sound.
But I felt like I broke my strings soon after boiling.

Admittedly, I was also playing harder than anyone should ever play.

But it’s worth trying!


Ian Hill uses DSR Black Beauties, that’s another heavy sound for you.


Well, apparently Billy Sheehan does it, so there might be at least some result :thinking:


I never boiled them as I am scared if ruined the sound. I am using this instead. I clean them before I start to play

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I use round wound strings, but I did have the opportunity to play on a flat wound strings. I can’t definitely say that if you aren’t comfortable playing round wound strings you might want to go to the flat wound strings. However, if your used to the round wound strings and you want to make a switch I’d say give it a try. The flat wound strings are a bit more easier to play when your play constantly, I noticed that the first time I tried them. When I mean easier I mean when your pressing the strings on the fret board you don’t necessarily have to press on the stings so hard.
Anyways good questions. :+1:


There are lots and lots of threads that discuss this very subject. If you do a search using the magnifying glass in the upper right of your screen, you’ll find some good reading with the answers your looking for.


I use round wound on my fender P Bass, While I use flats on my Jazz Bass…

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I actually bought this
Ernie Ball Regular Slinky Nickel Wound Bass and I love them. Quite metallic sound and I love it. Thanks guys for the tips. Really appreciate.

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