Yes, you get a notification that you earned a “Happy Anniversay badge” after you reach a yearly milestone in Forum Attendance if you have made at least one post in that year, @PamPurrs . . .
Yes, you get a notification that you earned a “Happy Anniversay badge” after you reach a yearly milestone in Forum Attendance if you have made at least one post in that year, @PamPurrs . . .
You can go in your profile and look back at your badges, you should see one.
Congrats to you too.
Looks like I received one on June 20th, but my profile says I joined the forum June 10th.
IDK, mine says I joined on April 11, and I got it on April 12th,
Maybe you opened it 10 days after it was sent to you?
Could it be that it took you 10 days to make your first post on the forum?
Possibly. I checked, and it says my first post was in June of 19 but doesn’t provide the date.
@PamPurrs, @T_dub, and @sfadams, it can take a few days before the system sends out the Anniversary Badge notice, so no worries . . .
Thanks @T_dub
Dates are now very confusing for me so the reminder from the forum was great to give me a ball park date to remember.
Congrats @Mac, Mac,
Cheers Brian
I got my two year badge last week.
awesome, thats longer than my first marriage!!!
Congratulations @JerryP
Congrats @JerryP
Thanks @Tokyo_Rat, @Mac & @PamPurrs!
Congrats Jerry, @JerryP,
Cheers Brian
Thank you @TNKA36 Brian!
hey, late seeing this thread, nice job
Thanks brother Rat
Got mine today