Or it’s to indicate that @John_E just bought a second bass?
Since I’m an average Asian I can say this.
@howard you are probably the tallest person walking the street of Tokyo until @John_E, lol. I’m 5’7” I found myself walking taller than many on the street of Harajuku.
A lot of the current generation are pretty tall! Not uncommon for there to be people taller than me.
It’s not just the height (almost 6’3 for me), but my bulk that makes me feel “uncomfortable” in Asian settings
I agree. I spent 3 months in Okasa one summer in my teen. Most people there we my mom’s height 5’4” ish. My dad is 6’2” he was definitely one of the tallest guy walking the street. Now probably not so much.
I’m 5’11” and I felt tall when I was in Tokyo! So I can definitely relate.
I’m 6’2" and I was on a very crowded train in Japan and I could see over everyone’s head.
My buddy and I were commenting on the elevator max capacities. We were in one that stated max 20. Japanese - sure.
Americans - only stacked horizontally.
I’m a little disappointed none of the trains I got you on were the full deal
Another thing that is different right now since the pandemic lifted - places like Harajuku are packed with foreigners
Seriously the number of gaijin around town is crazy right now. It’s like the flood gates opened.
First meet up with my Bassbuzz brother, Jesse @Reasonably_Happy. One of those extra benefits they don’t tell you about when you sign up for the course. This is a special place. We had a great time and he set up my pedalboard. Call me, appreciative (for so many things).
What a great pic!
Did you guys enjoy Shark week after setting up?
Like @howard said this is such a great picture. The small world of Bass.
@barney I still had it on Shark Week until 30 minutes ago (couldn’t take the shark on shark violence episode). Side note: You were correct. Yesterday the Fender P went for set-up, deep inspection (while in the 30 day return window) and Labella Flats. I played it for the first time last night and I am in heaven. The Fender Jazz is next on the wish/ if I find somebody’s wallet list.
My brother @booker_t ‘s hospitality is unmatched. Totally worth the visit and task. Plus, my 14 year old now has extremely unrealistic expectations about how basses should feel. Lol. Guess I gotta step up my setup game!!!
Nothing… and I say nothing… yet has touched my hands that feels as good as a Fodera.
@Reasonably_Happy as you should be. Thanks, again.
This is fantastic!!!
Great pic!
Three to choose from there too
Fun Shark fact
Sharks are older than trees.
Sharks - 400 millions years old
Trees - 385 million (Wattieza)