Beginner Class of Winter 2021 - How is it going?

I’m a stone-cold newbie to playing any instrument (okay, maybe a poor player of the recorder in grade school!). I got my starter bass about 9 days ago, and started the B2B class two days later (so 24 Feb.).

I am now about halfway through Module 2, so have not yet reached “Billie Jean.” I started and completed Module 1 pretty quickly, but with Module 2 I’m pacing a bit slower, and have gone back to re-do some of it. I had to adjust how I pluck, as the nail on my index finger interferes with the sound :grimacing:, no matter how closely it’s clipped or filed. Reading somewhere, probably in one of the topics in this forum, or maybe in the comments in the lessons, I found that plucking at an angle seems to help to avoid the nail tip and get more of the index finger’s pad to pluck. We’ll see how that goes.

I still make timing, plucking, and note errors, but am slowly getting better. It doesn’t matter to me if it takes three, six, or twelve months to complete the course. Time goes quickly when I’m doing the lessons - I’ll think it’s been 20 minutes, then check the clock and it’s been an hour! I find that I always want to do more, and take that as a good sign! Maybe I’ll get through the course sooner than I anticipate. I like how Josh teaches. He has a good balance of patience, humor, and reiterating points from earlier lessons.


Sounds like you’re making progress, @Never2Late . . . :slight_smile: . . . Good for you!

It takes awhile :wink:



Seems like I’m the daily update guy, which usually involves some b!tching about the lessons. Did 12/5 tonight, red clay. Kind of an ok bass line, but damn I dislike jazz. Anyway, its finger roll time which I also dislike. Slow workout was fast, especially compared to the lesson tempo. Medium speed was actually a little better except for the repeat. Starting over with the slide from 12th to 5th fret and resetting and the speed is :face_vomiting: -so yeah more work to do there. Fast/normal tempo was just :poop:. Hooray me. That said, I think I’m finally coming to grips with the fact that I don’t need to nail the medium or fast workouts on these harder modules yet. I got so used to nailing stuff in the earlier lessons, that the expectation is that I’m going to keep doing that. But it isn’t reality, at least nor for me. Enjoy the process. Do what you can, mark the hard lessons, and then go back and revisit and practice. Remember what the great Marshawn Lynch said … over and over and over and over and over and over. and over and over. Run through a motherf*ckers bass!


No worries, that’s what this forum/thread are for! I’m a couple lessons ahead (13/3) and I too am struggling with the pinky roll, especially at those faster tempos.

I think you’re in a good place if you can identify where/what your problems are, even if you can’t do the fast workouts. Then you know what to practice to nail it next time!


That’s the spirit ! . . . :slight_smile:


Some of them are more difficult than others, @The_Baron . . . :slight_smile:

I like that! One day when you’re a badass bass player you’ll come back reading this with a big smile on your face.

It’s a bit daunting to read of the lessons ahead. But also really nice to get a glimpse of future challenges that are awaiting me.

I’ve slowed down with the course somehow. Been focusing on learning Another Brick on the Wall for the 50 First Songs 100 Week Challenge and am practicing my rhythmic skills. But I’ll definitely take up lessons again these days and hope to finish module 8 next week.


Oh, starting the challenge early I see… :smile: Actually looked at it yesterday myself. Doesn’t seem to bad., and seems to be a fun song. I think I had more trouble getting the sheet music/tabs visible. It’ll be good to see how people learn the whole song.


I started in december sometime about three quarters of the way through do I qualify lol.

Iv got about 11 lessons to go and thoroughly enjoyed it… When I get close to the end of things I tend to start just wanting to finish and rush a bit im trying not to do that with this.

So suprised at this course and so glad I found it. Have to go out into the big badass bass world after this without the help of josh I wonder if I will keep it up hope so.


Of course you qualify! :grinning:

I’m now exactly half way through and my feelings range between “Wow, already half done!”, “Oh no, already half of it is over, the end is near.” and “Oh dear, this is only half of it, how challenging will this get?”

It seems like a lot of people linger on this forum so nobody has to be a lone badass.


Ye its a great forum… Its just josh has held our hand and taught us in such a great way i feel we have been spoiled… Saying that people on here speak very highly of talking bass and there is a lot of courses to take us onto next stages.


I know! You know how at the end of each lesson he says “I’ll see you in the next lesson”? It hit me the other day that there will be a last lesson where he can’t say that and I’m gonna miss it. (No spoilers please!)



@locket and @Regina . . . don’t forget that you can go back through the course, or any part of it, as many times as you please!

Lots of us do that . . . :slight_smile:



True true I will be going over some of the songs I didnt get right.

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Good idea for a thread…i started last October. Been trying to play bass for a few years but getting nowhere…I’m56 and no musical ability at all but wanted to persevere more for keeping the mind ticking over. This has been great. I’ve made it to start Mod 14 with the usual blemish at Billie and also Red Clay got me. Some lessons took up to a week to accomplish a pass. In quarantine I got from 11 to 14 in 2 weeks ( nothing else to do). At work for the next 4 weeks so much less time. I’m only just concentrating on simple songs to work on timing whilst at work. My favourite lessons were the Songs for the Father, the Ska one earlier on and Higher and Higher. Best Buzz was nailing Higher and Higher reasonably quick and (so far so good) I seem to have a goodish metronome in my head-i was always worried about my timing because i dont count out aloud to myself but so far all the tests have been good. At absolute best I’ll get to mediocre but my dream would be to do a Jamieson (Bernadette probably out of the question)and a John Paul Jones (Killing Floor or what Is Should Never Be-same chance as Bernadette but a nice dream!!!)


Forgot to mention…Class Of Summer for upside down peoples :grinning::grinning::grinning:


If you want a Level 2 challenge. Try the course again without looking at the tab when there is sheet music. :upside_down_face:


Wow that does sound like a challenge… Its not a bad idea its all there for me to do… Might be something I could do when I do the sight reading course on talking bass.

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Well I think that I’m one of the most recent B2B, I’m in module 4 and things are getting real, definitely reading about all of yours progress gives me encouragement.
Josh knew exactly what he was doing when he inserted Billie Jean this early in the corse, did you notice how he laughs right before the slow workout? Pure evil :crazy_face: