Book Club? 'The Music Lesson' by V. Wooten

Would anyone like to start a virtual Book Club reading and discussing music and bass books?

I am methodically reading ‘The Music Lesson’ by Victor Wooten. Reading one chapter at a time and giving time to consider and practice what it’s talking about. Pacing at about 1 chapter per week.

Who all would like to join me in this? I’d love to discuss the bits chapter by chapter. We can start a thread for each chapter. Or possibly start a Discord server to discuss the book to not take up too much space in the forum here.

Please indicate which format(s) you would take part in:

  • Text discussion on this Forum
  • Text discussion on Discord
  • Audio discussion on Discord
  • Audio/Video discussion via Zoom
0 voters

That might be interesting, though I don’t do discord

BassBuzz has a discord :slight_smile: I’m sure if anything was needed to make this happen over there @Morkai or @Megatronpt could make it happen. :slight_smile:

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This is doable in both Discord and here.

And I for sure not oppose in doing a BBC (Bass Book Club you dirty minded people!!) on Zoom or Discord (Discord does give some permanence which could be important for this.


Like forum based channels based on title of book … etc. Rather than call over … everything goes poof :slight_smile:

I was imagining a text-based book club so that discussions could be a-synchronous, ongoing, and recorded. I can see value in having both a text discussion and a live video chat.

I have put up a poll to see what people would be interested in.

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I ordered a pre-owned copy off the big A* and am looking forward to reading the book. I have Discord, but I haven’t joined the BB server – I tend to forget I have it (Discord).

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Looks like you and I are the only two really interested in doing this right now.

If you want to, I think we can start our chapter-by-chapter discussion in this thread when you get the book.

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Did you get the book yet?
Looks like we’ve only got you, me, and one other person (whose profile I can’t see) interested.

I say we just start discussing in this thread. No need to split it off.

Sorry for the late reply, I’ve had an exhausting week.

I got the book a few days ago. I read through the preface, twice, but I haven’t gotten much further.

It’ll be interesting to read this from the perspective of a bass beginner.


I’m in no hurry. I’ve been taking it slow. I’ve got other books I’ve been reading primarily. I’m reading ‘The Lesson’ in between, going a bit at a time to be able to consider and experiment with each concept before moving onto the next.

Just post here when you finish the first chapter.

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I’ve finished the first chapter, “The First Measure”.

I haven’t forgotten about this. I got a chest infection a few weeks back, and it’s taken some time until I felt like myself (aka had a brain).

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Really liked that book. Met Victor Wooten a couple months ago. Would be happy to read it again.
Can you please post a link to the Discord Channel? I’m not seeing BassBuzz in the server list.