Would anyone like to start a virtual Book Club reading and discussing music and bass books?
I am methodically reading ‘The Music Lesson’ by Victor Wooten. Reading one chapter at a time and giving time to consider and practice what it’s talking about. Pacing at about 1 chapter per week.
Who all would like to join me in this? I’d love to discuss the bits chapter by chapter. We can start a thread for each chapter. Or possibly start a Discord server to discuss the book to not take up too much space in the forum here.
Please indicate which format(s) you would take part in:
And I for sure not oppose in doing a BBC (Bass Book Club you dirty minded people!!) on Zoom or Discord (Discord does give some permanence which could be important for this.
I was imagining a text-based book club so that discussions could be a-synchronous, ongoing, and recorded. I can see value in having both a text discussion and a live video chat.
I have put up a poll to see what people would be interested in.
I ordered a pre-owned copy off the big A* and am looking forward to reading the book. I have Discord, but I haven’t joined the BB server – I tend to forget I have it (Discord).
I’m in no hurry. I’ve been taking it slow. I’ve got other books I’ve been reading primarily. I’m reading ‘The Lesson’ in between, going a bit at a time to be able to consider and experiment with each concept before moving onto the next.