Build Kit Documentation (Harley-Benton P-Bass)

If price isn’t a factor, Warmoth apparently makes better Fender parts than Fender. Lots of DIY Warmoth projects out there.

You probably won’t be able to do it for much cheaper than a MIA Fender though.


Price is only a factor cuz I might hate building it.

Are they just DIY P and J Basses? Or can you het a bit more liberal, without having to cut the body from a big block?
I could probably find access to a CNC, but without a computer, or CAD / CAM software, I cant model or program it. And I would need at least some prints for basic shapes, so I could design within standard template limits. I am sure those could be found online. Solid models would be nice. I think there is a site Grab Cad that might have student models on it, hmmm
I could go program it at a shop that it would cut it at I suppose.

Now that I type that, I wouldn’t be opposed to a Stingray body shape for a DIY, :thinking:. Wonder if…


Warmoth makes replacement parts for Fenders. They make all the parts. So you can buy parts and build (say) a Warmoth P-Bass that will be as good or better than a MIA Fender P-bass.

They have lots of material choices.

They are not cheap.


Interesting, ty for link. I saw a Tele bass body, and their G4 that I liked. Not gonna post pics here on this thread. Probably should end this thread at the summary, and talk about it in another thread, but up to @juli0r, it’s his thread.

Last I will say here, other then thanks for some motivation @juli0r, and the great links @howard, but I think that’s a little above my level of DIY, at this point. I need more of a kit with everything. Learn the build. Maybe add and upgrade after the build. At that point, I could see going this route.

Another thought was to buy a few of the cheapest $40 or so Basses and tear them down, and Frankenstein-Fuk them together. It’s an option if I don5 find a kit to my liking.


I don’t mind discussion about building here but as it is/was about the build kit I think it would be more sensible to move your discussion into project basses as it goes more in that direction.
Anyone who already knows the thread should find the summary and I linked it in the first post so when someone uses the search function it should be found anyway.
I just think the topic of your discussion rather shifted to a general build project and would be better kept in project basses :slight_smile:


Will keep it out of here, sorry