Buzz on the E and A string on fretted notes

I have owned my bass for a year and a half and I always had an issue with fret buzz, on the A and E strings (especially the latter). Josh believes that it is a setup issue; he says that the trussrod may be in a slight backbow, so it needs to be loosened and then the saddles of the bridge dropped to compensate. I contacted a couple music stores about the issue, and they would be able to fix it but I would rather not have them quarantine my bass for a week, so would I be able to fix it on my own?

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There is a thread on Bass Setup with lots of information and links to useful videos. I did a setup myself and it wasn’t that hard. Probably not as perfectly done, but did work quite well. And you get to know your bass better, which I found very useful.


It’s possible to do on your own for sure. I PERSONALLY like having a pro setup in a shop, and typically a restring and intonation is a day turnaround. But some people prefer to do a setup themselves.

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Here is the guy i follow. he has 4 short videos, one for each of the 4 steps to set up your bass. here is step one. you will easily find the other 3. all you need are some allen wrenches and a feeler gauge. very simple and easy to follow.


You don’t need a feeler gauge. Never used one, never missed it.

I like Marcelo’s video for this. Very clear explanation, very simple. Excellent results.

I am definitely in the camp of “everyone should know how to do this.”