Do I need two basses if I am a beginner?

You’ll be a great candidate for the Warwick Leland Sklar signature StarBass. It’s not as snappy but it’s everything thing
version and the pro built one they are almost the same. 10% may be 15% difference but 300% cheaper.

else. I played both the Rock bass


I followed Josh’s advice about avoiding GAS and getting a “Swiss Army Bass”, and found a Ray34HH on closeout. The Stingray is just fantastic, can play any genre on it, and really have no serious interest in getting another bass right now. It just felt ‘right’ from the second I picked it up.


The juxtaposition of your post, @MarkeeMark, with the image of @Al1885’s collection directly above it, makes me smile :blush:


Since you are a beginner and only playing for yourself, my advice would be to work on getting good with the bass you have. Set a goal for yourself—maybe like you can play 25 songs on the 50 song challenge, and go out and buy what you want. Maybe even save up money for a great bass while you are working on that goal.

In the past, I found myself buying guitars because it was easy to do. I should have been buying lessons with that money to improve my playing. The hard part is putting the work in to play well. And if you play well, the bass will respond to you, instead of the other way around.

Keep chugging.


As many have said…”need” not really, but there’s a lot more fun in moving past just needs…
I just started playing in February. Bought 3 basses and parts for a 4th. All have been 2nd hand. A lot of the fun for me is getting my newest bass into the best playing bass I can. I’ve learned a lot through this process and really enjoy tinkering with them. I recently finished getting my latest one into great working order (for me). Now I have to resist getting onto reverb and looking for a new project. I do have a neck that is just sitting around lonely…

You don’t really need 2 basses, especially as a beginner. I however, have the Squire Jazz Affinity, I have changed the strings to roundwound and it was really worth it. The sound is much like a double bass with the right settings, a sound which I love. With a volume for each pick-up and a tone control, the sounds available are excellent.

Need? No. However, I still consider myself a beginner (been playing about 4 years, but just recently started B2B and starting to get more serious about it). I was gifted a Squier P Bass in 2019. It looks and sounds great, but as I’m going through B2B, I am realizing that it’s a bit too big and clunky for me right now. It’s also heavy. I found a Yamaha TRBX174EW at my local Music Go Round for less than $200 and jumped on that. I’m definitely keeping the Squier, but I’m looking forward to learning on a lighter bass that is a bit easier to play. For now, anyway! So, I didn’t NEED another bass but this “new” one will hopefully allow me to play for longer stretches without wanting to throw it on the floor. :laughing:

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Hi Diego.rami. "need "or “want” a J bass?
In 1977 I bought an Ibanez P bass with flats, upgraded 78 with Di Marzio pickups. I’ve been playing rock with friends, classical Jazz in a big band, (then switched to the cello for 20 years).
Wallet permitting i will buy another bass to have the 24 frets I need to play Bach in the original tone, with rounds probably.
Work your fingers the place you are playing on the strings, explore your knobs settings: the PJ can already give plenty of differents sounds!

Beware of GAS guy (check Josh video on the topic).

The correct answer is you always need one more than you have… you’ll know which one when you see it :smile:


Beginners must own 7 Bass guitars. One for each day of the week. Just kidding, there’s no Golden rule if you can afford another bass go for it but you only need one Bass to play and or learn with.




Just one more (jk, you never have enough)


That pesky “need” word, always coming up.

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I think I am somewhere around that now- how many does an intermediate player need and does that include projects?

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I hang all of my instruments on the walls. Why not just hire a painter you say? Well $2000 could buy a lot of nice instruments for the wall. Why pay a painter, you can beautify your walls in an easier eye catching way!

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