Fender Jazz from 1969

I realize asking such a question in a beginner forum is stretching it, but I am curious about input from some of you more experienced players (and buyers/sellers) - you know who you are :wink:
(And I don’t want to bring this to TalkBass because… well, TalkBass)

There is a Fender Jazz (US) from 1969 advertised locally for USD 7350.

I made a small inheritance lately and am wondering whether this could be an “investment bass” (plus playing it, of course). Any thoughts on that vintage or the asking price? Seems to be in great condition.


IMO these big ticket vintage basses are a real risk. You need to find the right buyer at the right time for them to make money. Consider that in that price range you have more than enough for something like a used Fodera or other top tier instrument, which will be a safer buy and hold its value as well, in addition to being a nicer instrument.

To use me as an example, if I wanted to get 100% of my money back from my Miki Furukawa signature edition, I would need to hold out for quite a while, and they are very popular here. And it’s a fifth the cost of that Jazz.


I’m with @howard here. It feels a bit risky and last 2 year’s haven’t been great for selling either. At least in Holland.

Think it’s safer to invest in whiskey :wink:


If I was going to buy something like this, it would be because I wanted it, not as an investment.
Gaining any profit on something like this, IMO, would be unlikely - unless - it has something special going for it, wood feature or famous previous owner. I see things like this all over the place, not quite a dime a dozen but readily available.

You can get the exact same thing for 1/2 the price in a Custom Shop used model and get about the same % of your money back (~100% - but would take time as @howard points out) and you have 1/2 the risk. Boy, this would be a tough one for me to bite on for sure, and I know how to bite.

What I would say is you need to do a ton of reasearch on this and vintages around this to decide what you wanted, why you wanted it, etc. I don’t think the price is that great (seems in line with a dozen or so I see on Reverb right now in the USA, unless this one is pristine, then, maybe it’s a consideration.

I’d go for a '73 over this any day and save over half the $, and you will get it back or more, as folks believe they are magic. I don’t know any magical properties of a '69 though.


Thanks for the candid feedback, @howard , @Paul and @John_E - much appreciated.

I needed a little sense talked into me :smile:

I don’t really see buying basses for investment a viable route for me either, and I certainly haven’t done any research… I guess the basic idea was to not turn around and make some quick cash with this bass, but see what it can get me in, say, ten-fifteen years.

Was really just a crazy thought, I guess… thanks, guys!!




At $3000 it would be a great investment but anything over $5000 is passion buy and not investment unless you can manage to start another lock down then it’s not too bad.

At that price you may want to get the ‘62 jazz with stacked knobs and relic.

Good investment would be finding a great old fender that the seller have no idea and selling at regular used price.



Thanks, Al - needed the chuckle! :smile:


Whooeee, @joergkutter, that’s a big chunk of cash for a bass! I know almost nothing about vintage or investment instruments but based solely on my limited research lately (you know, because of my '63 Hofner) it seems that basses are even more niche than guitars and if you don’t know the market for, and history of, the specific instrument you’re more likely to make a costly mistake.

Maybe you’d like to buy an all-original Hofner Artist bass instead…


Hehe, yes, it’s an obscene amount of money for such an instrument, @PeteP, and I normally wouldn’t entertain the idea of purchasing it. But, somehow, seeing how much vintage) Fender basses have increased in value over the past 10-20 years, I thought it might be worth to get it as an investment; you know, tucked away safely for my kids (whom I don’t have) to enjoy in another 20 years :crazy_face:

Guys talked to me out of it even before I realized myself how ludicrous the entire notion was :man_facepalming:


In this case, GAS (disguised as an investment) was shot down by members of THIS forum.

Just goes to show that there has been at least one irrational GAS expenditure that wasn’t sanctioned here. :laughing:


Well, maybe it was GAS… from a brain-fart :rofl:


Precisely. :+1:


This is another excellent point ant one I have made in he past too - remember, “vintage” really just means “old”. There’s a lot to be said for newer. Especially when we are talking American manufacturing around the '70s - trust me, things were not better made then. We hit our low point in quality across many manufacturing sectors from mid-70s to mid-80s.

There’s a reason the lawsuit era happened. Fender and Gibson deserved to have their lunches eaten by high quality gear from Japan.


As an example, if you follow threads on other forums and reddit for the Vintera II Tele Bass (which I do), quite a few owners of a 70s Tele Bass say the new issue is of much better quality.


Totally agree, and most of my basses are “newer” because I like their “specs” better.

But… I don’t think this was ever the main point here. Because - despite of any objectively better specs of newer instruments - people will still pay a premium for (certain) vintage basses. The reasons for this are mostly not driven by pure facts or measureable figures of merit, but instead by inscrutable social-psychological algorithms, and this can include attributing the object of adulation nearly divine-like feats.

Investing in such objects banks on the fact that they will maintain this status of adulation despite their inherent real and tangible characteristics :wink:

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You are correct. Your reasoning is sound. “Newer” doesn’t equate to “better” in collectors’ minds. Older/rarer is better. Those who might argue that newer is better miss the collectors’ point, which is what you initially were speculating about. That said, enough said.

By blowing all of this off, you made the right choice, Joerg. Live long and prosper. :vulcan_salute:


I think you’re overlooking the main reason not to buy it @joergkutter

It’s a burst finish with a tort pick guard.

They should be paying you to play that thing :sunglasses:


Hehe, I quite like the burst and was going to remove the pickguard altogether. And I quite fancy the inlays :wink:


I love the inlays on that but for my money if that’s the look you want. Then a used Fender custom shop will get you there for a lot less money and nobody can tell from a distance.