My love for the 5 string struck me when I was at a bar watching a really good band which had a petite female singer and bass player who played the 5 string. I was simply mesmerized watching her tiny little hands as they deftly danced around that fret board. It was at that moment that I decided that I would become a 5 string player.
I have no compelling reason to play a 5 string, such as band requirement, or demand from a studio, or a need to play a certain genre of music. I just cannot get the vision of that young lady playing the 5 out of my head, and that’s who I want to be.
I’m fortunate that I made this decision at the beginning of my bass training so that I didn’t have to re-learn anything. I went through the entire B2B course, as well as several TalkingBass courses on the 5 string, and it is very natural to me.
So has anyone played a Schecter 5 string? How about a Kiesel or a Carvin?
I’m starting to look around for another bass because I have no electric backup to my Peavey TL-5 first generation. I’ve loved this bass. I’ve been looking for used ones but there aren’t many right now.
Most of my favorite bass players are on the Modulus, Ken Smith, Ritter, or Alembic program. It’s way too pricey for me. Even used they are a lot of dough… like more than my truck. I’m probably not looking for a fender, music man, Hofner, Rick, or Gibson.
It takes me over 4 hours to get to Denver to try any Basses out. I want to make my “test list” as comprehensive as possible. I’ll probably be testing in the $750 to $1400 range. New and used.
Any help is appreciated. Here’s what I plan to check out. Thanks.
I owned a Warwick Rockbass Streamer LX5. Pretty reasonable price, high quality. Nice and light. I’d still have it if I wanted a 5. Warwicks have a very bright and modern tone though so if you’re looking for a classic sound it might not be up your alley. It’s also a J/J so if you want a P pickup or humbucker, you’ll want a different model. There’s a bunch of Corvettes with different pickup arrangements.
But, I am game to try some options. Feel, playability , aesthetics, tone will probably be the major influences. I’m gonna check out the bass buzz gear criteria now. Obviously this will be more than just a beginner bass buy.
Not only is it 5-string, but being fretless as well opens an entirely different world of tone and playability. Don’t let the lack of frets be a concern. Personally, I think it’s a valuable skill to play without the “guidance” of frets. Your intonation and ability to play by ear will benefit greatly.
Also, it lands in the middle of your price range (MSRP is around $1000).
I think Ibanez or Yamaha would be good choices, for sure! Such as a Yamaha TRB1005 or an Ibanez SR1605.
@howard knows a lot about these basses, I would think, so if he recommends you look at a Warwick, I would certainly include on in the testing list
PS: I have a Yamaha TRB5Pii from 2009. If you can find one used, those are awesome basses! If you are lucky, you might find one for USD 1000-1500, but sometimes asking prices are a bit higher. There don’t seem to be many on the used market.
The price range would get a decent used MIG Warwick for sure.
That said in the same price range is also the Ibanez and Yamaha offerings you mention, along with the SR2405 etc. I would be partial to those myself. As much as I like Warwicks I like Yamaha and Ibanez better, personally. YMMV.
I’ve owned Ibanez for years. Just got an extreme case of GAS however, just bought a Yamaha BB435. I have read nothing but good about Yamaha products. My sales engineer at Sweetwater Sound said “they box in a higher weight class than their price point” I guess I’ll find out if I agree when it arrives.
I was just looking at it on Guitar Center and aside from the higher price and different color selections, I’m not seeing anything that jumps out at me.