For multiple Bass owners

They have had some orange ones, though


I love transparent colors. The only problem is you really need to pick them out in person or you might get punked by bad wood grain.


I actually…dont like them. I love stained or natural and I love painted, but they always look just in between to me.


I’ve seen some really, really awesome transparent reds/blues from ESP and Warwick. And Yamaha’s Translucent Black is one of the coolest colors in person, but doesn’t photograph well. In person it’s this deep midnight blue/grey under black with woodgrain underneath. Looks killer. In pictures it looks like a smudgy black.


I am not sure what you are talking about.

Is that what you are talking about? That is defiantly Orange

And my other one that I post is the same one you were showing afterwards, the one without black hardware. And all I said was that the color is not in the current line up.
They still have them on the shelves and you CAN order therm from GC right now, probably other places too.

And it is not only the color of the body that does it for me, it is the fretboard, the neck (similar patern on back) and the headstock.
It is the whole damn bass.

and ye, the one you posted is awesome, i love the neck and headstock on it. But it is absolutely NOT orange, it is yellow.


yeah that top one. im not saying it’s not orange, im saying its not orange. :rofl:

i mean, i’m sure they don’t call it orange and i’m trying to figure out what color they call it, so i can keep an eye out for one.

that bottom one is the caribbean orange from guitar center, above.


Yes, GC is where I found it, and that is where I can get my dream bass if I decided to pay for it :wink:

Take it from somebody that loves ORANGE, that one is orange.
The only color I could think they would call it would be Orange Wash

I mean, whatever color it is, it is something that Rhymes with Orange

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put it on the EB message board, see if anybody responds.


Responds to what? I already know its orange.
But since you don’t beleive me, you can put it on the forums and they will tell you. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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that’s not how guitar marketing works, it’s always like cantaloupe or sunset or dreamsicle

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I posted the listing on here somewhere, but IDK where. If you can find it, it will take you to the Reverb page that will say the color.

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Trans(parent?) Amber anyone :thinking:


Exactly, ORANGE :wink:

Thanks for that. BTW, is that an add for one for sale?
I don’t have twitter, so I can’t really tell what that it, and when I clicked on it, it just took me to a list of their posts.

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I might actually buy that one, since I don’t know where to get another.

NVM, I got a link to the store. And it is NEW, I wonder what year.
too much for me tho, the last one was only $2000

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yes. roastedflamemaplorange

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yes. roastedflamemaplorange

Read the bold, and you are correct.

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Well, it’s from an advert, but they’re out of stock. It was selling for $2,549
Seems to be the retail price:


But… I’d say it’s orange :sweat_smile: