(scales/chords fretboard web visualizer)


It will depend, if it gets too lengthy and messy, might need to leave them off, or dedicate another tab?? I am sure you will make the right decision and keep making this already GREAT application even better.

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At risk of “too much,” I’ll throw it out there that the Blues scale is commonly useful …

This would support an elaboration on the Blues Box lesson.

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@gcancella what doing 2 octave scales?

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There is an Octave drop down there, and if yo choose the SCALES tab in the upper left, you have the option to drop down 0-1-2-3-4 octaves.
This is the dots on the fretboard however.
Are you meaning the extended chord name, Like Cmb9#11 or something to this effect?

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If your playing a G major scale you would go from G to the G one octave higher and keep going till you get to the G two octaves higher than the starting G.

Not too much at all, that’s exactly what I want to do!

But I still am having a giant inner battle about scales organization. Actually that issue was what motivated me to release fretful so early (check the 1st post), and that’s the sole reason why I haven’t touched the scales.

Having said that, more and more I’m considering having a dedicated page for modes and another page for scales. Layout-wise, I think it’s so useful to easily jump between modes the way it is now, and adding more scales would lead to a dropdown menu replacing the current behaviour and IMO it hinders the smoothness of mode studying


I deemed that, maybe too quickly, not that useful. IMO, learning the basic shape and the string shape, you can easily create 2 octave scales. But I will consider implementing it! Not a priority for now, though. But thanks for the suggestion!

This is actually just affecting which notes it plays in the visualizer at the moment. With the introduction of shapes, I’ve been thinking of moving those controls to the shape section and make the octave chosen affect where the shape starts.


I like this, and going a little further into theory this way, I think It can be structured with modes in the first tab, and go off The C major scale as the model, so it shows how the modes are created and why they are in the order they are. of course, the C major is the model, but if you select another note, it would re populate for the scales based on it’s modes.

Like if you read the EXERCISES in the last mage of the Modes Chapter in Josh’s scales book. it shows all the modes in order, based on the C major, F, bB, bE, bA, bD, bG, B,E,A,D,G.

so that list could be the way you structure the Modes tab.
The reason I see it fitting for the first tab, even tho it is not the simple Major and Minor shapes that most people learn first, it is the basis for scale construction, and it directly related to the circles.

And that brings up. another thing.
How about a Tab that goes to a completely different screen, with an interactive Circle of 5th and Circle of 4th’s

I mean, if you are going to go all out, might as well just get as much of the theory aspect into it as you can.

Again, just suggestions, you are doing such a great job with this and the structure / organization, that whatever you decide will be awesome.


Hey guys! So long time no new releases. I’ve been caught up on work in the last months. I’m back on this now.

Just did a semi-major update. Added a bunch of scales and chords. Fixed a lot of issues. Added also ways for people to suggest scales or chords and overall feedback. Reorganized parts of the layouts so the information is more concise. Now you can share a link directly to whatever you’re consulting.

Take a look and let me know what you think!

In the near feature you can expect some more scales and chords and harmonizations (chords and scales recommendations).


Awesome work, pretty cool seeing it come along. I have no idea how difficult this would be but something I thought would be useful is a “chord drone” playback feature. I figure in 99% of cases it could play the 1-3-5-7 notes as a constant chord drone that the user could then play the scales over. Maybe a “scale/chord drone” toggle in the playback section?

The reason I think it would be useful is it would provide a better overall “feel” of a particular scale than playing individual notes in sequence, which is helpful for ear training.


That’s a quite good idea! Have to think about it a bit on how it could work. Thank you @bjams !


Sure thing! It’s already super-useful as it is, that’s just something that struck me when i was playing along with it earlier.

I’m no theory expert, so I could be wrong about the 1-3-5-7 thing. That may not work for every scale/mode… it might just be better to include all 7 notes of the scale in each drone. So like a C13 chord for C Ionian.


I like the idea of this. You can put in a scale you want to visualize and practice, lots of features that are useful to beginners like me. Thanks @gcancella! A coffee for you bud! :coffee:


Thank you @Conor! I really appreciate it!


I was just playing with the chords page. That’s really useful.

I was sitting here with my bass, bouncing back forth between different chords, and getting all inspired. Thanks for doing this.


I’m really glad you’re liking it @eric.kiser

This actually gave me an idea. Do you think it would be useful to have the hability to “pin” a selection of chords for ease of access?

Something along these lines

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Hi @gcancella. Quick question: is Fretful missing out notes? Here is C major pentatonic (“CAGED”, of course), my badly-drawn black circles (sorry!) are also notes in the scale:

Same deal for other scales …


Hey @sfadams,

Just select ‘all’ in this menu.

‘octave’ will show the octave selected on the visualizer



Aha! (And - ouch!)
(Slopes off, feeling stooopid …)


ahaha! don’t feel bad! maybe it’s not explicit