G&L Tribute L-2000 Opinion

I would really like to hear your opinion on that model made in Korea. I’m learning on a second-hand Squier J-Bass and call me crazy but I like the sound of the J-bass a lot better and playing on it seems much easier. The G&L seems to have a harsher and metalliferous sound with the two humbuckers. If I could choose between the G&L and a (Fender) J-Bass… but my lack of experience makes me doubt.


Hi @franx, welcome to the forums! I don’t know anything about that L-2000, but it sounds like you’ve already made up your mind… Why consider a different bass if you’ve already found one you really like? A Squier J is a great bass, not just for a beginner, and should serve you well for quite some time! Eventually you’ll want another bass, and another one, and… Worry about that later!


Hi. Thank you for your comment. You are right. I should worry later. I guess it’s the gear fever but I didn’t mention that the Squier makes a lot of noise and that’s such a good excuse… (It only stops when I touch the machine heads, plug, plate or strings. Grounds seem to be OK, it seems to be a matter of shielding from what I have read.) Thanks again.

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I ordered a bass, and they sent me a G&L guitar by mistake, and the instrument was very well made. I would definitely consider it for my next bass.


@franx do you have a device such as a laptop or phone connected to your amp when you’re playing? If that’s the case, try plugging in that device and your amp into the same socket or extension cord. That has been known to fix noises like that.


@Mike_NL Great Tip. Thank you very much. I will try that out.


Let us know how it went!

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@Wombat-metal The bass guitar is really well made. The tone controls on the L-2000 a simply not “the usual” since there is no tone control as such but multiple options between active, passive, pickup selector, series or parallel, bass and treble. The two hum buckers have a very clanky, metal, the opposite to classic sound. But it is a great bass.


A Tribute SB2 is the actual model I was considering

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@Mike_NL Unfortunately the noise is the same independently of the common strip, plugged in devises or if none are connected to the amp. It was worth the try.
I suppose copper tape might be the solution. Thanks again.

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@Wombat-metal That seems to be a very nice instrument with the PJ setup. More or less within that category, take a look at Sandberg from Germany. You might like them.

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Hi @franx
I own an L2000 tribute, I would say that I love the bass and the sound versatility (balance, active/passive, active amp, parallel/series).
Personally, I was thinking about getting the American version, went to the store, tried the American and tribute version, and end buying the Tribute.

One thing you want to consider (depending on your hands) is that the neck is really thick and some G&L seems to have a neck wood issue, and in some Tribute, frets aren’t leveled and G&L doesn’t seem to have the best customer service (I can’t attest to it, but you can find a lot of info on that regard in their forum).

That being said and if you check on those things, I think it is a wonderful and reaaaally versatile bass.
If you are good with electronics and you want to, there are also schematics on their forum to make some changes on the control circuit to expand the control possibilities even further.

Can’t say much about a Fender J-Bass but there are standards for a lot of bass players around the globe.

Imho, you can’t go wrong with any of those.
They have totally different sounds but are top-notch, so it’s a matter of personal preference.

Just go with the sound (and looks) that you like more.


Hi @Leo! Thank you for your comment. I’m too new at this to come to a conclusion and that’s why I’m interested in peoples opinion. Yes, the neck is thick compared to the j-bass although that hasn’t given me any real problems. The bass does not seem to have any issues. Will check out the forum you mention. The bass is beautiful although perhaps not what I would have chosen at a store. It is an incredible present and I think I should just wait to be more experienced before considering an exchange or similar. Thank you!

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Take your time and explore it.
It’s a wonderful bass imo, and I play it every day :slight_smile:

I like its sound versatility and, after a setup to my taste, I found it reaaaaaaally easy to play.

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I had a G&L Tribute Series L2500. I absolutely loved it. The electronics alone make it worth much more than what you actually pay in my opinion. The only reason i sold it is because it’s very heavy. Other than that, I can’t say enough good things about G&L.

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@JuiceboxHero Hi and thank you! I really like the brand and many of their models. I guess I’m just not that confortable with the controls and having tried a PJ-bass and learning on a J-bass the sound and tone seem to be easier to control… and I admit I really like the classic sound. It will grow on me. Thank you!

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Your comment about the clanky and metallic sound hits the spot. I love classic sound but then I’m too new at this. I will probably wait and rethink it later. Right now I would probably exchange it for a good j-bass.

Agree 100% @Mike_NL . . . but I’m probably a bit biased :wink:


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I think you already have your answer :face_with_monocle:

not saying that the G&L is bad, it is obvious that you prefer the JB, I see absolutly no problem with this.


@terb You are probably right. The comments confirmed my suspicion. The sound is the opposite to what I like (right now AND being a new) but it is a great bass and there’s no hurry.
Thank you!