GAS - Gear Acquisition Syndrome (Part 1)

2 on Reverb, $150 each. Gone are the days they were $35 to $75.


Yeah, people love them.


I’d feel lost with those. Too many knobs to turn :sweat_smile:


It’s funny. I just checked and 20 year old Boss RV-3 go for $100-150 now, while the RV-6 is $150 new. Given how the RV-6 sounds now versus my RV-3, I can see why. People love the old RV-3s.

I got mine for under $100. I feel pretty good about that now.


yeah old things are not always bad (and cheap). same phenomenon with the Boss OC-2 (which I have, and I believe Josh has one too and maybe Gio too) which is often considered better than the OC-3. the OC-2 makes a lot of glitches but it sounds interesting.

about the FX84, I paid 30 euro for mine :grin: I’d love to find another one as a spare unit, but it’s pretty hard to find at a decent price.


I have an OC-2 clone and I love it. Its glitchy tracking is perfect for me :slight_smile:


Yours is not a BOSS? it is a clone, IIRC it looks like the real deal.

After picking my up my NEW (to me) SWR WorkingMan 10 amp (little 80w is LOUD AF) and it is a lot cleaner then the picture. Said it was sitting in a garage, so dusty, but he cleaned it up and it looks almost new.
He added that ummm… DOLLY? for lack of a better word, but he attached it to the amp, and let me take it, so it is really easy to move around, that handle folds down.
And he accepted the $100 offer, so SCORE ALL THE WAY AROUND.

I love this amp, it matches my 160W/200W WorkingMan15 amp and the add on WorkingMan 4x10 cab.
I wanted the little one, cuz the 10" speaker is much better for playing in my corner. and I live the sound of them all, I only wish I didn’t have to keep the Cab in storage right now


When I picked up the amp, I left and drove less then 5 miles to the next stop o the day, to pick up this for $30

Its a score, and a fun little pedal, but I really bought it to flip it, or sell it to anyone that wants it for a good deal. I already have the MXR Bass Envelope, and I like it good enuf.
But this one is close, it is the FX25B.
I watched some reviews that said the B was the BASS model, but one review said something that made more sense.
He said it was B for BLEND, and this one has the 3 nobs, and the first is BLEND (or Mix). He did say the BLEND was more for BASS players, because we can keep as much DRY signal in the mix, meaning we are able to keep the low end out of the filter, which is essentially what the BASS ENVELOPE FILTERS do, so the B could be for BLEND or BASS, it doesn’t matter, it is the same reasoning in the end.
For $40, vintage, yes, you can find them for that, and it is not like I got it free, or for $10, but still, usually I don’t find many quality pedals, or vintage pedals like this under $50.
Since he was close to where I was going anyway, it worked, if it was an hour drive, forget it. lol

I been playing with it for the last hour, it is a fun pedal, almost as good, or as good as my MXR.

The only thing that this, or my MXR does not have that would be nice is the ability to control the shape, and go UP or DOWN

Now I have to sell the other 10" amp I just got.
But, I think I can double my money or at least make 50% on this one and get between $150 and $200.

This amp is cool as hell too. I am almost sad to see it go. I love the aluminum cone and the controls are amazing.
The SHAPE button, IN or OUT is fun. its like a reverse reverb, so it kind of brings the sound into the amp instead of pushing it out. it is really cool, kind of funky. I think I should play this DOD Envelope filter thru it that way

gotta wait til mid day tomorrow to do that. LOL


My OC-2 clone is the TC Electronics Nether :slight_smile:

The Nether is a TCE branding of Behringer’s OC-2 clone.

My Tu-2 and Rv-3 are real Boss.


I like this 10" SWR.


FACE SLAP :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
DUH, I knew that, I had the same pedal. I just pictured your board in my mind, and thought you had that pedal, then I realized, I was probably picturing @JoshFossgreen 's board with the OC-2 or 3

Nether was a way cool pedal, especially for the low cost. $30 used or $58 new. But once you go Sub n Up, you can’t go back

So do it, it is amazing.

I brought my Ray4, my Orange Ernie Ball Guitar Cable, and my emergency generator in the trunk of my car, so I could plug the bass in and test it before handing money over for the amp.

I plugged in, and the volume was on like 11 O’clock, so not even 1/2 way.
I turned up my bass volume, hit open E, and it almost blew my legs out.
I was like “DAMN, That pup is PUNCHY AF”

I turned the amp to about 8:30-9 o’clock, and the Bass volume all the way up, back 1/4 turn, and played some notes, and it was beautiful.

With the cart attached, dolly, whatever it is, it was perfect, like it was meant to be.

I really like this SWR line and their stuff. It is too bad that Fender Closed them up, but now the Fender Rumble Amps are the SHIT, and made roughly in the same place in California, not very far from here.


This looks like way to wrap a crossover type control around any pedal …


Yeah. I’ve seen some other frequency splitters that do similar things as well. Cool idea.

I think Tyler looks cool:


I used to love those crossover things. Caleb Scofield who is (was :sob:) probably more or less my bass idol, used to play on two amps at the same time : a clean random solid state amp (no particular tonal color) plugged into a 21" (!!!) speaker for the deep low end, and a not-original-at-all Ampeg SVT with the matching 8x10 cab for the agressive punchy saturated grind. He sounded incredibly awesome.

But I’m kinda changing my mind, I’m more searching for a simpler setup. at least I don’t want to play on two separate amps/preamps, and I use less and less the familiar “blend” controls. At the moment, I’m more into a less saturated but full spectrum tone.

Just what I do now, I’m not saying it’s the right thing to do or the best solution or anything.

one track of Caleb’s first solo album. insane bass tone : it’s fat, it’s rich, it’s organic, it’s raw, it’s agressive (not in the “modern”/metal way, more an old school very agressive tone). and, yes, it’s a Fender Precision. obviously.

… excellent composition by the way …


Awesome! Well that certainly solves any tone suck problem whatsoever, doing the final blend mix in the air. If it were only weightless.


I like it!

Luckily I was able to dig out a piece of surplus gear from a past project to experiment with. Before buying anything in pedal format I can model this concept on a programmable DSP black box. I can wire up any combination of mixers, filters, delay, etc. and see how it does . . .


Wow, cool, can’t wait for the results. Also, if you have any links to any physical pedals that do this, I would be interested in looking at some.

I haven’t seen anyone giving access to a DSP programming environment in a pedal. You could get one of these. It has a contact closure input. Add a foot switch and you can design any signal flow you want in there.


You can do this in good DAWs too, out of the box via various means (duping tracks and filtering, other methods).

It’s pretty straightforward in Reaper as it comes with a splitter built in.

Unfortunately it looks like GarageBand can’t do this with a single plugin, so you can basically do it by duping a track and applying a filter to each dupe. Logic Pro can much more easily though.


Oh, ok, thats a different level then I thought you were talking about.

I thought you were still talking about boxes like this one
Its good, I can do some searches based on this.Thanks


Check out the Tyler too, it looks awesome and I love its art :slight_smile: