GAS - Gear Acquisition Syndrome (Part 2)

I betcha the authors agree.

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I also like how they collapsed like three different characters in to Drummer and ended up with maybe the best character in the series


Show was a text book example of how to successfully adapt a literary IP to serialized tv.
Of course, having the authors in the writing room, is always a good sign.

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On the whole, I think they did a really great job of casting the show. Naomi, Holden, and Bobby were perfect. Chrisjenā€¦ I love that woman.


Cas Anvar (Alex) was great too, despite the subsequent scandal. What a bummer. At least they wrote him out in a solid way - because he definitely had to go.

Thereā€™s something just amazing about having a Martian region populated by people of Indian descent that have imported the culture of Texas.


I loved Traveller.

AD&D was fun, I actually played D&D back in the 70s before the rule books were published, and a mage did 1d4 damage, thief 1d6, cleric 1d8, and a fighter 1d10, regardless of the weapon used. Much more into roleplaying and it was very free wheeling. I met Gygax once or twice. Weird guy.

Also did Call of Cthulu and Middle Earth by ICE, and Tales from the Floating Vagabond/Steve Jackson, which was a hoot (one skill is ā€œswing nasty pointy thingā€, another is ā€œlook good at all timesā€).

Shadowrun was fun, it has an interesting magic system and astral combat was unique.

The good old days


Nice! Iā€™ve mostly playedā€¦

Vampire the Masquerade

Vampire was really great!

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sorry to interrupt.

no need to post a pix because weā€™ve all seen it, but sweetwater finally got the katana:go back in stock and sent me mine. i have had a few of the cheapo plug in headphone amp dohickees and havenā€™t been crazy about any of them. but this is certainly a step up in sound and functionality. recommend :+1:

we now return you to your previously scheduled nerdgasm


New manifestation of GAS: pedalboard :joy:

So I donā€™t really have too many pedals - tuner of course, preamp (mainly used for silent practicing but also Rush: Cold fire that we play requires some drive as well so good for that as well and compressor (now upgraded*) from Behringer CL9 to EHX Bass Preacher; plus the power supply. Figured itā€™s easier to put them on a board but starting to realize that the acquired Boss BCB30x is indeed small for 3 pedals and regular interconnect cable, probably have to buy some flat/flexible ones.

Anyhow, current status (works OK but could be more tidy I guess):

*: About the Bass Preacher: tried to find the balance with the internal gain potmeter and so-so but still have a little noise; and very interestingly when compression is way too much with my P (w/flats) than barely noticeable with my J (w/fresh rounds), while the CL9 was pretty much the same with all my basses. Is that standard or am I facing some weird issue?


Katana Go arrived, me likey.
For a cheaper version of the Boss Waza Air, this canā€™t be beat.
Love the Waza Air, but having two places, this now letā€™s me keep one in each and get the same functionality, just one has an extra wire.

This thing def changes the game on headphone amps, esp for the price!


I temember that you have a Bluetooth page turner. Is it by chance the Boss Fs1 wl?

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Amazon is carrying the Katana Go and I have gift card on file that will just about cover it. Fifth Bassaversary present for me!


You go @JerryP


Yes, indeed.


I am 100% #3 on this list :rofl:


Spot on, and Iā€™d wager we have them all represented here in the forum (perhaps not an entirely pure #1, but closeā€¦) :smile:

Also, Iā€™d add perhaps a #10 - the endless ditherer :rofl:


Iā€™m a bit of everything at different time. Iā€™m a solid #11, :joy:


Tbh, I think youā€™re a 9/9. :rofl:


I was definitely a #4, then I realized instead of buying several cheaper instruments I could buy one really nice one for the same price. So now Iā€™m starting my collection of nice ones. :roll_eyes:

Ideally, Iā€™d like to become more of a #3. I dream of having that one bass that was so perfect for me and I was so happy with I could sell the others.

Primarily though, these days Iā€™m the short attention span type, getting infatuated with one type/brand/feature and having it be my favorite, then getting infatuated with something else only to wonder if I should sell the first one.


I donā€™t listen to their music BUT thatā€™s a good looking passive Stingray for the price.