Thank you Paul!
No no used.
About Mexico jazz bass what about no serial number found?
Thank you Paul!
No no used.
About Mexico jazz bass what about no serial number found?
Ah, I never looked up serial numbers, wouldn’t know where to start, sorry. (Besides google)
Hi all, I need you!
GAS drags me and I’m looking two basses:
Fender Jazz Bass made in Mexico (MZ2024906) but on Fender site I don’t find it: costs 400€.
Squier Classic Vibe 60’s Jazz Bass: costs 300€.
What do you recommend me?
Thanks you all
A Fender Player Jazz Bass (MIM) was the first bass I purchased on sale for $649 new.
A Squier Classic Vibe 60s Jazz Bass Fretless (Made in Indonesia) was the the second bass I purchased for $359 new.
The quality of both basses is very close, so I find that the Squier gives me more for my money.
I have also tried out the Squier Classic Vibe 70s Jazz Bass, which I almost bought. However, I went with the Fender Standard Jazz Bass since the frets felt smoother to me.
Have you played both of the basses you are looking at? Since the prices are so close to each other, I would recommend going with the one that feels better to you.
Oh what I read! Thank you @StevFargan
I’m evaluating the two basses (actually there would be a third option, one Squier vintage modified 350€).
Unfortunately I could play only the Classic Vibe 60’s.
Talking about Neural DSP, it seems they finally released a firmware update for the Quad Cortex that lets you use your Archetype plugins with the device. This promised feature took some time to go live CorOS 3.0.0 release schedule - Neural DSP
Talking about Neural DSP, it seems they finally released a firmware update for the Quad Cortex that lets you use your Archetype plugins with the device. This promised feature took some time to go live CorOS 3.0.0 release schedule - Neural DSP
Finally. They have been talking about this for years.
@StevFargan, @Megatronpt, @Paul
I have chosen for the MIM one: 350€ shipping incluse.
Hope you bring the house down with it!
Eh I will have to waiting shipping time…
The hardest part!
Since tomorrow morning I’m going to sleep on door mat like a dog waiting the courier.
Forgive me BassBuzz… It’s only been 81 days since my last Bass purchase.
So… I did a thing…
Obligatory pet tax, Luna claimed the bag about 30 seconds post Dingwall removal.
So the Dingo came in cat colours?
So the Dingo came in cat colours?
It matches my other two cats, who are grey and white and a russian blue.
I guess she decided to make the bag match her by making it furry. She’s now sitting on the box it came instead cause I evicted her from the bag.
Amazing! Congrats.
Nice!!! Congrats @Morkai what do you think about it?
Love it
Gonna take a bit to get used to the fifth string but it feels pretty good already so I know in a week or 3 I’ll be up to my current 4 string confidence.
Any worries I had about the fret board being too big are gone and it plays absolutely beautifully.
Not really a big effects kinda guy but someone was selling a hx one for a decent price so I grabbed it. Played around with it a bit last night and it’s pretty fun. Guess I’ll need to find a midi pedal, any suggestions?
Nice!! Congrats on the new bass!
Very nice! Congratulations!