General Forum Questions

Isn’t Edge pretty much the same as Chrome? As far as I know it uses the same “engine”.


It may well be.

A quick google and yes it is now but didn’t used to be. I’ll have to bite the bullet I guess. I have all three on my system for checking when I’m doing web development (I don’t even try to get anything to work on Safari!) but I still prefer Firefox. I don’t really do much web development now but I still don’t particularly want to work with Chrome or its MS equivalent.

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Wow, didn’t know I was a 2%er for using Firefox. I always liked using it but I’m noticing its supported less and less. Even in Moises, it always warns me I’m unable to use the latest features. As Tom Petty said best, Its time to move on, it’s time to get going…


AFAIK it uses Chromium, yes, with a different UI of course.

On iOS, any browser you would want to use (as it is required for Javascript acceleration) uses Apple’s SFSafariKit (or the older WKWebKit) as its core, so on iOS the builtin Safari browser is the way to go, unless you want things like Chrome Bookmark Sync or something; the thing to know is all the browsers use the same core there, though, if they are any good at all.


I use Brave (Chromium browser for Mac) for all my website development.

I’ve used Safari for the same, for years, and never had a performance issue during development or live. Everything just keeps humming along.

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Question, is there a search function on this forum or am I just an idiot that can’t find it? As a rookie I have some questions but don’t want to repeat the same question thats been asked numerous times.

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@swiens If you’re on your phone try turning it sideways (landscape mode) to see the search icon appear


Well shit there it is lol. Thanks


Note that on small form factor mobile devices (like my iPhone SE) the search icon is actually hidden in portrait mode:

and you have to rotate to landscape to see it:

This is not true on larger phones, it’s always there. Confusing :slight_smile:

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