General Forum Questions

And so it is done! Sorry for the delay, just got over a quick New Year’s Flu. :slight_smile:


Thanks you Josh. You’re Awesome! :grinning: :+1:


Doesn’t matter the label, Eric. For everything you do/have done for the forum, you’re still the great. :+1:


Hope you are on the mend!

Of course, it is awesome to grant @eric.kiser 's wish, but “contributor” is a bit too “corporate” for my taste :crazy_face: I mean, I have yet to encounter a great king from the North called Eric the Contributor…

Maybe Eric the Modest would be a good compromise!?! :wink:

Or… we could all just go back and practice bass :sweat_smile:


Thanks Mike.

:rofl: :joy: :rofl:

Hey, I’m open to suggestions! As much as I appreciate the sentiment of “The Great”, I can’t bring myself to float around Josh’s forum carrying that moniker.

Take Bad Ass Bass Gal for example. Pam went from knowing absolute zero about music to embracing everything B2B and this forum had to offer (and then some). If I was her teacher, I couldn’t have asked for a better student. She absolutely earned that moniker.

With that as an example, mine should be something like “Eric will be a helpful guide on the forum unless he is sleeping.” :rofl:

I’ll keep thinking about it and see if I can come up with something better. I was trying to come up with something funny but I haven’t gotten there yet. I kind of like “Forum Dude” or “Forum Guide”.


I think this is the right place to ask this question.

I have noticed something on this forum that I’ve never found on previous forums. If I play a video and the then either it finishes or I stop it and carry on scrolling down the thread, the video will eventually restart all on it’s own. This is intensely annoying as by the time it restarts the original video can be way back up thread and potentially I can end up with several videos playing simultaneously (though with some metal tracks I’m not sure how noticeable that is :rofl:). The only solution I can find is to exit the thread and then re-enter it.


Interesting, never noticed this. Only YouTube videos, or other platforms (like Vimeo) as well?

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Noticed this as well recently when I’m using the app on a tablet. I never saw this behavior when using a browser on PC. I believe that if you pause the video, rather than just let it finish on its own, it won’t restart on its own.

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This happens to me too sometimes. I use Firefox with Ubuntu OS.


Typical, now I’ve made the comment I can’t duplicate it! Aarrgghh! So it doesn’t seem to be consistent. I’m literally trying it with the same videos that were repeating 30 mins ago but now aren’t!

To be honest I haven’t noticed if it’s particularly youtube, vimeo or whatever. And when I went to test it it won’t do it now!!!

I’m pretty sure it was doing it with me whether I let it finish or paused it. But…as it’s not doing it at all now I can’t be sure. This is on my computer with Firefox by the way.


I have the same issue with Firefox. I get round it by refreshing the page and the video stops playing.


Ah well, at least it appears that it’s not just me doing something totally dumb!

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Interesting. I use Safari on my iPhone and Brave on my Macs, and I’ve never seen this issue happen when playing videos. I hope future browser/OS updates fix it for you guys.

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At first glance it would seem that Firefox is the culprit here… The number of Firefox users has been decreasing for quite some time now, and its market share is in danger of getting below 2%. It might be time to start thinking about migrating to a different, more common browser.


I get better tone with Firefox.


Happens to me with firefox in the covers thread sometimes if I watch a video then scroll UP the thread to look at older videos…I think it happens when it loads the next chuck of comments as I scroll up the thread from memory

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I use a chromium browser, so, i also lean towards FF playing a part…

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I’ve never seen this with either Safari or Chrome, so yeah, sounds like Firefox.

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Ah, nice one. I hadn’t thought of that. You’re probably right. When I couldn’t reproduce it I probably wasn’t scrolling far enough away to load another chunk.

Yeah I know about Firefox being on the wane. I keep thinking about switching but I hate anything Google based on principle, as a developer I’m very familiar with how Safari is probably the most non compliant browser out there (on PC at least, much better on iOS I believe), Edge is just dreadful and why I switched to Firefox in the first place. I might have to choose Chrome as the least bad choice.

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