Good Bass Day

Band rehearsal last night. Our lead singer said:

“I really like how the bass sounds. Whatever those settings are, keep using those”

I was going to ask about Tonewood™ but sometimes it’s better just to take the compliment.

Side note - my SGT-DI settings are very different playing through my headphones vs my Fender Rumble (I now play via the FX return and miss out the Rumble pre amp). The ongoing never ending learning journey in the world of bass!


Oh and we’ve got our first gig in September. 10 songs on the set list so far :star_struck:


Congrats on this! So good to hear and read such news on everyone’s bass journey and their success. I’ve been so wrapped up in work lately and trying to balance work schedule with bass time. So it sounds like the Ampeg sgt di is the way to go for your sound! That’s awesome!! Still trying to get my sounds, haven’t checked the ampeg sgt yet. Good luck with your gig!


I’ve had my SGT for a couple of weeks now. I’m debating getting a second one. I love the sounds this thing makes. With what I’m playing atm, I’m forcing myself to bounce between the SVT and B15 settings (always 8X10) and I’m finding that I like the B15 more than I thought I would.


I’ve been on and (mostly) off on iron maiden’s fear of the dark. There’s a section from the intro into the first verse that’s like 60 measures of alternating 16th note 5ths that has worn out my fretting hand/wrist every time I’ve attempted it until tonight. I got through it all! Still many challenges in this song, but progress feels very nice.


Not exactly something too fancy, but after a very busy and tiresome last week and a weekend trying to recable stuff to get rid of the annoying buzz / crackle, to no luck.

Today not only a company that sells ground loop isolators, will send me their gadget to test, to buy if it solves the issue… but also I was able to sit for a couple of hours moving from M9L6, L7. M10L1, L2… and ending up playing along to the song(Animals - House of the Rising Sun) on YT.

Tired, but happy! :slight_smile:


Am I the only one having decent days ? :slight_smile:

Anyhow… End of Module 11.
Only have pending:

Billie Jean - Fast
High and Higher - Fast
Papa’s Bag - Fast

Dune Tune still murdering me… daily!


Just back from band practice.

Chugging 8ths to George Thorogood through a cranked 2x10.

Lovely. What a joy it is to play loud.


Also these things are great! :arrow_down: Hearing loss is no joke.


It suits you! :sunglasses:


I had a good bass day today because I finally got the tools I need to do a bit of set-up stuff - my action was pretty high before.

Now I’ve lowered it a bit, I feel I’m getting on better with slap and popping :partying_face:

I’m going back through the course module. Still not good at it, but definite improvement :muscle:


I am incredibly jealous, but also very happy for you!


Thanks @Paul_9207. There are a few people on here of a similar vintage in terms of learning bass like me, you, @cheeze_pizza @John_E etc for whom it would make me as happy as a sandboy to see playing out with others.

I hope something turns up, because I always enjoy your covers and you’ve got a great pocket.



Thanks Barney. I was getting discouraged for a little while there. Wondering what the point of all this practice is if I can’t find a band. Luckily that passed after a couple weeks and I found the joy in just playing and making covers again. But I still have a glimmer of hope that something will come along.


Have you looked at bandmix to see what the band landscape looks like around you? I browse it once in awhile, and there have been a few bands with people around my age (mid - late 40s) looking for bass for post punk or shoegaze cover bands that I’ve been tempted to message but I’m not good enough yet and I know it. I’m doing these covers to beef up a “resume” and to get used to picking up new songs quickly in some cases to gauge how close I am.


I’ll have to check out bandmix. I live in a small town in the middle of nowhere. There are two traffic lights within 40 miles. I’m pretty sure my high school had more people in it than my town does. But it’s worth a look.

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Hey @Paul_9207, maybe start by inviting people to come jam with you, and see what comes out of that over time. I hear you that the town is small, but you could be surprised how many people play something. You might have to be flexible about genre, though . . .


If you are not strictly only considering a cover band as a possibility, or are generally more into original music (and want to continue developing your own bass lines), you might want to check out pages like and similar ones.

Obviously, this is NOT playing live together with other people, but it allows you to contribute and be creative together with others. This could be a creative outlet while you continue looking for bands or musicians in your area :smile:


That is interesting. Thanks for pointing me in that direction.



I assumed this existed, but hadn’t seen it before.
This is such an interesting resource. Like the biggest, messiest, coolest bulletin board at a music store ever.
Thanks for this link @joergkutter!


Good day today, starting to learn a new song and I feel like jamming some easy songs have really made my pick game better, it’s starting to feel pretty natural.