Fully admitted… late bloomer here, picked up a bass at age 45, (50yrs old in a few days)…self employed, so practice is sporatic - along with carpal tunnel …so…yeahhhh…
Regardless of these hurdles - i love my bass time and expensive (quality)gear allows me to play a few min longer every time. Having anxiety/depression issues all my life - not knowing why/what…i needed an outlet…and i dont drink or puff…so…this was a logical step. Learn something that frustrates the hell outta me, yet keeps me entertained…so here i am. Forums like this, reduce mental strains and getting to chat in PM’s or online are always appreciated and welcomed. Have a great day folks - stay safe out there - Cheers from Toronto
I feel that. I also had problems with depression all my life. Anxiety not so much but overall lack of drive and motivation.
Making any kind of music is good medicine for that IMO. And I don’t want to betray the bass as main instrument here but in my experience singing even has an extra layer of endorphine release or whatever. It makes me even happier than playing an isntrument.
I think you’ll fit right in. Just beware of the G.A.S. enablers here. There’s not a single one who will shield you from the syndrome
WOW - thanks for the responses! …im also on talkbass, speaking of GAS… so, i dont think it ever stops…lol… - as for singing…i actually CAN sing, but far too shy to do it in front of people i’d think - ya never know. I would range my voice from Hetfield - Axl - Sully (godsmack)…plus i can nail FooFighters vocally… that is my tone and range…no professional training but a good ear (?) i suppose…i dunno.
hahaha…Mostly due to having carpal tunnel - good boutique gear has an ease of playability too it - its noticeable when someone has nerve damage…plus…being a late bloomer, allowed lots of time to save up for these bad habits
Oooh. Nice Dingy!
I’m 51 and took up the bass in November last year.
My 12th bass arrives tomorrow. Having two Mikro Basses doesn’t really count, so we’ll say 11.
I was wondering if having four Hartke XL4.5’s would be fun out of the LH1000, rather than just two, so I’ve got one more to find.
My BTB400, I have converted to headless and it will be up and running once the connectors for the new eq turns up from ebay and I’ve got the rough design for my own headless tuners almost finished. I figured that a tiny headless Mikro might be an ideal bed bass.
I have no doubt that you play much better than I do. You just need to know that you’re not alone and I fully support your collection and endeavors.
AWESOME!!! Sounds like we have a similar sickness - oddly, i am a metal head from 80’s-90’s…KISS, Sabbath, Metallica,…then my head was beaten too death from my dad listening to Elvis, Beach Boys etc.,so i love metal still but prefer playing the latter - much harder i think and sounds way groovier (?) when playing in my music room…love the bass blues as well, yet i dont listen too it…maybe SRV here and there though.
It’s not so much a sickness as an ongoing process. I’m collecting opinions about different basses. The more I own, the greater the conviction of my opinions.
I have had too many brands to count - but best playability IMO - Dingwall Super series - Best passive tone Fender CS, Best active tone - Wal MK3…best playability and tones and nut reach - Skjold Slayer…by far.
Of course - just my opinion… best amp is Genzler Magellan 800, best cab Audiokenesis Hathor 1505…fav pedal Amptweaker Bass Drive JR…dig it even more than DG stuff.
Have a great day peeps.