Help me identify this Fender

I know what it’s not. A Deluxe Dimension it advertised.

It’s probably a heartfield sub model like prophecy I. I could not find a 5 string version anywhere on the interweb, or BookFace so may be you guys can help. I called that GC for additional pictures but they never sent it. The guy I spoke to was very sure that it’s a deluxe dimension, hmmm!

Thanks guys.

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Did someone lop off part of the headstock? Having a hard time finding anything like that :thinking:


It looks like Cort started to make a nice bass, and then Fender got ahold of it and blanded it down


DR-5 but the tuners are wrong:

It has that same a super narrow bridge pickup but it’s mounted differently.

From TalkBass:
Next is an '89 Heartfield DR-5. Made in the same factory as the Fender above to compete with Ibanez in the 80’s (note the identical tuners). This bass features an alder body, maple neck and rosewood fingerboard. Great condition, but missing a screw on the g string bridge saddle. Still sets up perfectly, I never missed it. Weight is 9 Lbs. $500.00 shipped in an inexpensive gig bag.

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It’s one of a few non fender fender. Heartfield (some) is actually fender only neck through model. It’s very short lived line on Fender. If this is a 4 string I’d have determined it to be the prophecy.


All the DR-5 pics I come across also have more of a J Bass pickup layout and haven’t seen a P/J yet.

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Yeah that was my first stop but DR heartfield only in Jazz config, at least from what I could dig up. I’ll know it soon enough. I ordered it.

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Check out that really unusual P pickup, too… unless that’s just “how it’s done” on 5-string Ps.

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Will be interesting to see what it looks like after you clean it up!

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That’s what I notice. It looks fat. I’m pretty sure it’s active.

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Well, Fender has done these weirdo Ps before…

(apparently these are normal for them)

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Although the fingerprints patterns looks like a quilted transparent, lol.

What is weird about them?

They just look weird to me with uneven pickup halves. that’s why I added a caveat of maybe they were normal… because I didn’t know.

I went through the 7 page Heartfield/Fender club thread on TalkBass and got nothing…

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For sure headstock direct match etc.

but zero 5 strings that I can find so maybe rare, but maybe rare for not a good reason.

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I think 5 strings at 1 pickup per string doesn’t divide evenly so 2 and 3 in a split P makes sense.

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Yeah looks normal to me

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Here’s a Fender with the split in the same place:

Feel like we’re getting closer…

Well some looks like this.