I have not played bass for months and I feel very bad about it :(

I know I am extremely late to this thread, but I have to chime in.

Nothing you have said @StefanK sounded like an excuse. You sounded like you were just going through some hard times, man.

Look, life gets in the way a lot more than you’d realize. COVID came and turned us all upside down and it sucks. But for a lot of people around the world, COVID also brought the possibility of new musicians into being! That’s something :slight_smile:

While life can be absolute poop sometimes, it’s OK to be overwhelmed, question your existence and then decide to keep going in the direction YOU want to go. It’s OK to vent, OK to cry. OK to just scream at the helplessness and failure you feel sometimes.

It’s called being human and you got back on that Bass and it all came back.

I’ve been going through a large trifecta of back pain issues, depression and family drama that has put some very hard strain on my family.

It’s been hard, I can definitely understand.

I haven’t done a consistent lesson in almost a month and a half and am PISSED at myself for this. I think I’m gonna have to use Bass as therapy, scream THERAPY TIME!!! and get back into it because I got B2B AND three free months of Fender classes that I need to get into!

I’m glad that you shared with us all and I’m glad you got back into it!


Hi Pam, @PamPurrs,
Yes he is an elected official, and I think he will resign before he gets voted out, and that can’t come quick enough :+1:
Cheers Brian


And I can’t put on the internet what I really think of him :joy: @TNKA36


I can’t either @Mac,
He is my boss, doesn’t mean I have to vote for him👍
Cheers Brian


I don’t want to get into a political debate but at least that fool cleaned up the mess he created (at our expense) which is better than what’s going on in the U.S. or Europe.


I’ve been learning to play the bass since I was 15. I’m now 52. Most of us will take a little break every so often. I’m several months into a hiatus at the moment, but that’s ok. I stalled (at least) once before and I went back to the start of the course, ripped through the old lessons, and was back in love with playing by the time I caught up.

Your bass, like the music, will still be there for you.


I have not played bass since around September 29th or 30th when I got sick.
A few days later I was in the hospital from Oct 1st thru Oct 20something.
I have not felt up to anything resembling a practice session since getting home, and I feel very bad about it as well. I do feel a bit depressed that I am not able to play, but on the other hand, I am feeling a bit grateful that I am ale to use this time to rest up and get my health back, and very grateful to have bass to go back to once I am feeling up to par, and soon enough I will be back and better then ever.
If you ever go through a spell where you are not able to play, try and look on the bright side, and towards the future when you will be able to play as much as you can / want, are able to. It has helped me, HTH anybody else struggling with not playing, for whatever reason.


Ditto everything you said, @T_dub . . . I was in from Oct 4th to 20th . . . :neutral_face:

Good to be back home, but am sick as the proverbial dog, and super depressed over it all. Nice to know that I’m not alone in this situation.

Yes indeed, so thanks for your post and thumbs up, Joe :+1:


Hey @Jazzbass19,
Sorry to hear you have had a few issues going on🙁
BUT glad to hear your now home and although still crook as a dog, your on the improve, hope you are back holding your bass in no time.
Stay safe, best wishes
Cheers Brian


Sorry to hear this, and hope you are doing better now, I am just starting to improve on my own at home, and the forum time yesterday sure helped.

Sorry to say this, but agree.
We will get thru this, and hopefully we will be stronger.


I think about @Jazzbass19 frequently and send positive energy as often as I am able. @T_dub is also in my thoughts, and send positive vibes to him as well.
I am often reminded that my problems are trivial compared to those of others.
Few things could bring more joy into my heart than to see Joe and Toby back to good health and once again playing the bass. :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Thanks for your kind words @PamPurrs and @T_dub . . . you are like family to me!

I’ll shoot you a PM when they decide what stage I’m in and exactly what my prognosis is.

All best regards to you both, Joe :heart:


@Jazzbass19 Joe, I survived throat cancer, and you WILL survive this. I don’t know if you ever read my story, but I hope it can be an inspiration to you.


Thank you so much Pam, your vibes are received and appreciated, and are working to get me back on par, sooner then would be without the vibes from you and all the other great members here that offer up support.


Low frequency vibes are being sent from the frozen north of the UK.It’s been a tough year in so many ways for so many people, and nobody’s story is any less significant for them. I’ve mentioned the sh!t going down around me, but there will always be somebody worse off than yourself: it never diminishes your experience.

For those who’ve missed so much playing, I hope you’ve still been listening, watching, thinking about it. Positivity is important for every human being: find it where you can - make it where you can’t find it.

Life is a challenge that is surpassed only by trying to play B!lly Je@n (you’re still not forgiven, @JoshFossgreen).