I miss Toby

Thank you for the update @Reasonably_Happy


Thanks for the update Jesse


Thanks Jesse @Reasonably_Happy


Thanks man.


Thank you @Reasonably_Happy ! It’s good youre keeping in contact with toby-it means a ton when you are in there. I don’t fancy explaining how i know.


Never happens. Don’t know what you’re talking about. :face_with_peeking_eye::disguised_face:


I’m not the most technologically capable human. But after some effort with the jail’s e-mail system I was able to get in contact with Toby. Copying and pasting in it’s entirety below…

“Hey, glad to see you got connected.
Hopefully I can get connected with others from the forum, and now you have a little know how, you can assist others to get connected.

You can copy paste this.

Hey guys, long time, no talk. 6 months to be exact.
I am finally situated (for now) in Tucson, AZ.
Trying to get back to CA on a hardship for my elderly parents, and hope to get it approved soon, but for now I am here.
I would love to talk with you guys, and get some much needed bass porn.

For anybody who wanted to communicate thru mail, I can be contacted at.

Tobin Wood
BOP# 01012-506
USP Tucson
Satellite Camp
PO Box 24549
Tucson, AZ 85743

Anybody who wants to get e/mails I need you to collect the following info.

e-mail address
phone number

Unfortunately I need all that info to add anybody to my contacts.
If you don’t want to provide an actual address, just a zip will work and I can fudge the rest.

once I set up the contact, you will get an e-mail that you must answer, acknowledge its from an inmate in a Federal prison, and accept communication from me.

That’s all folks.
Actually, I am not sure if photo’s will come or not, but if they do, I could really use some serious bass porn.

Note, any CARDS that are sent will be Xeroxed and I will only get the copy.
Same with actual photo’s. but prints of photos are OK.
You can use some of the online “make your own cards”, and I will get the original card. Same goes for online print services, I will get the actual 3x5 or 5x7 prints, but noting larger, and there is a limit of like 5 photos per envelope.

and a shameless plug.
any donations to my account (for e-mails which cost per minute and phone calls, and commissary for food and hygiene and some electronics , like mp3 song downloads, etc…)

Western Union www.westernunion.com
use my BOP number followed by my last name i.e. 01012-506Wood
use my full name Tobin Oliver Wood
and City code is FBOP and State Code is DC

you can also pay cash in person with that info.
Use Debit cards not Credit, on a Credit card you will likely get a cash advance fee.

Money Gram www.moneygram.com

same thing - 01012-506Wood
company name - Federal Bureau of Prisons
City and State Washington, DC
Receive code - 7932
Full name Tobin Oliver Wood

I think Western Union charges based on the amount sent, a small percent
and MoneyGram may have a single charge for any amount, so be careful

Of course, donations are optional, but I would love to communicate with you guys again, so please get Jesse your info so I can add you to my list of contacts, and then I will get you out an acceptance e-mail right away.


glad to be connected with you Jesse, hope you get this, It may be in your junk folder til you say my address is not junk.
Talk soon



So do I understand this right? I give you all that contact information so Toby can send me an email?


Yes. Apparently that is the case. When I’ve spoken with folks inside jail/prison on the phone the calls are always recorded. Or at least the system repeats that every couple minutes while you’re on the phone with them. Depending on the security level I have a buddy I get 20 minute convos with while with Toby it was only a couple minutes before it cut off. I’m assuming that’s a requirement of the facility based on their security level. It’s a lot of personal info and I know not everyone will be comfortable with that. I’d be happy to copy and paste a short message for folks to him if that’s preferred. The email system gave me a word count to stay within which would allow me to share a few messages at a time I’m sure. I will of course keep updating the thread and I’m sure he’ll ask about y’all individually from time to time.

Edit: @PamPurrs If the concern also is an unknown other party, that’s me, having personal info I’d be happy to pass an email along to Toby’s Mom to make the contact through her or share the info with her to pass along to Toby. It’s a lot of personal information and I totally understand not knowing me or wishing to share that way. I don’t take it personal. Just trying to facilitate where I can.


Time does fly, but probably not for one of our own. Don’t forget about Toby. A sent letter with email allows him to add you to his email list.

Tobin Wood
Tucson USP- Satellite Prison Camp
PO Box 24549
Tucson, AZ 85734


Thanks! Is that his more “permanent” address now, or will he be transferred back to CA at some point (soon)??

Will they filter out international letters??


First of all, thanks to @Reasonably_Happy for making the info assessable. that allowed me to contact Toby. Above is his address until it isn’t. California at some unknown point. I’m not thinking “soon.” The key is to use the address once, and then get added to the email list. That is system wide. I just sent my first email reply to him a few minutes ago. Seeing/reading a toby email is “like having” him in the forum. The breakdown of daily meals is very detailed.

A letter or card with an email, which is xeroxed and given to him (no substances getting in there) allows him to add you to his email contact request list. You then get an email with his request and instructions if you want to accept emails from him. If so, a simple sign up.

After sign up, he wrote the following day. I had no notice that he had written me, but signed in today and there were two emails. There is a $6 (one time) premium payment which will allow me to be notified of mail on my devices and a few other features. For me, it beats randomly signing in to see if there are messages.

@joergkutter Re: international, I imagine they would screen them as they do all mail. As a side note (despite my general dislike for people as a whole, seemingly, you and Bassbuzzers excluded… with a few exception’s) , if you message me your email I can put it an an email to him and see if he can add/request you with your name/email as it would have been in a letter.


The way I remember Toby, you can fault him for much, but not being detailed ain’t one of those things :rofl:

Thanks, @booker_t (also for your vote of confidence), I’ll DM you!




Any updates, @Reasonably_Happy and/or @booker_t? I wonder how Toby is doing, and I don’t want him to think we’ve forgotten about him.


I heard from Toby a couple weeks ago, I will write him and let him know people are asking. He seems to be in better spirits as near as I can tell.


Yeah him and I have been emailing back and forth a couple times a week. I’m still waiting a response to my application to go down to Tucson to visit him. He seems to be handling things well.


I write to him about once a week and he seems to be doing OK. They even found a bass for him, but it’s a real POS, apparently. He is eagerly awaiting a better instrument, but not holding his breath, as he put it.

I am sure he’d like to write with others. We just need to be aware of the fact that this costs him credits every time, and so we might chip in at some point and send him a few dollars every now and then. I tried once, but failed with Western Union. Maybe @booker_t can share the precise instructions again!? I seem to have been missing some info…


I’ve been waiting until he is in a stable location. Do we know if that’s the case yet?


No, he is still waiting to be transferred (back to CA), but that is likely first happening in the new year…