I Need Your Advice for Future Livestreams

I just had to google what ‘Twitch’ was!


Me too :joy:


During lockdown we started watching DJs streaming on twitch. Was fun.



ah… the mass influx of lockdown bedroom dj’s… the main reason record labels be on DMCA High Alert these days :joy:


This. I follow several Twitch streamers, ( and used to regularly stream as well). Been on the platform since 2014. Doing cross platform content will help extend the reach and introduce new people to Josh. Currently I don’t see very many Bass guitar oriented channels but there are many music channels and I’m sure some folks would enjoy Josh and his content.

That said, Twitch has ultimately been a gaming platform and it’s harder to make in-roads with non-gaming content. Unless you are an attractive female in a hot tub, they seem to do okay… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


It could be a Hybrid event; with GasGuy streaming live while BassBuzzers gather in Thomann (EU) and SweetWater (USA) to join the stream en-masse.


How about going to rehearsals with unscripted Josh? How about unscripted Josh works on new music? Don’t know if those sorts of things would be better live or edited but I’d watch. You could take questions when you aren’t playing with other people. Also seems like a useful adjunct to your course.

I’m sure gear related videos get clicks but how useful are they really? Maybe they were a good way to do something music adjacent during the pandemic but thinking about gear seems like a distraction from thinking about music. I’m pretty sure that not having a 5 string multiscale set neck bass isn’t really getting in my way. I’m only 2/3 through B2B, so maybe when I finish. Nah.

I watched several live streams pretty regularly during Covid lockdown. The only one I still watch is LA session guitarist Tim Pierce’s, twice a month, streams that are only open to subscribers to his Masterclass. He generally selects a song to play over. If he played on the record he explains how he decided to play what he played. If he didn’t, he’ll demonstrate what he might have done. Those are gold. He takes all sorts of questions, but mostly, he plays.


I like the topic based streams option more.

If you wanted to do an AMA type stream occasionally, maybe instead of entirely relying on questions from chat, use Youtube’s Community posts as a way to gather a list of questions to structure the stream beforehand? You could still take questions from chat, but at least having a list of questions prior would focus it a little more so you’re not just fumbling through chat looking for questions to answer. Just an idea, feel free to ignore.


Josh playing bass in a hot tub :thinking: Sounds a little dangerous with the electronics…but I’d watch.


Could be quite shocking @kristine


Deep-voiced announcer: “You won’t BELIEVE what happens next!”

(Josh exits hot tub without picking up the bass; lives to see another day)

Actually, I would believe that.




I personally love your song breakdowns…you could take a song with an interesting bass line or one that requires a specific fingering technique to play…then teach us how to play it. Whatever you do though, I’ll be there. Another suggestion…create a paid masterclass type membership and provide paid members additional training, tips, insights, etc. Don’t stop offering the free stuff, but the paying members can get a little more.