I Need Your Advice for Future Livestreams

It has been 21 days since you and @Gio first teased us with this whole podcast thing. Do I have to send y’all a calendar invite, then moderate and record it myself, @JoshFossgreen ?


Moderate, record, build us a studio, and get us a Dole banana sponsorship, and we’re set. :stuck_out_tongue: :banana:


Topic based. I unfortunately missed both of the last two, had to watch the not so live versions. Very informative.


I dunno… Do we want to anger the Chiquita Lady?

I’m thinking we are placing to much pressure on Josh and Gio and perhaps we can dial back the expectations to a single podcast episode (that could blossom into a series).

:rofl: :upside_down_face:


Maybe we send both companies RFPs? ‘Cause of course they’ll be fighting over this opportunity! :grin:

Oh, I think they can take it. :smirk: Besides, @JoshFossgreen told us to harass him and I wouldn’t want to let him down.

While I’m not going to head out to California to build a studio, I am thinking about how some news outlets have people reporting from all over in the same broadcast and over the radio it sounds like they are all together. Maybe I will chat with @athosmr2003 - he has a podcast setup.


I’m leaning towards getting a condenser mic, but the Shure that I use is good for more than just podcasts and livestreams


@JoshFossgreen, Chiquita Banana on line 2…


Shure SM58, mic for life :wink:


One person’s opinion but it’s hard for me to see how a live stream would be a good use of your time. Do you have specific objectives in mind for the project? A regular live stream is a commitment to several hours of work on a scheduled basis and I’d want to be at least trying to accomplish something specific.

I feel like a topic specific live stream is kind of an oxymoron. In addition to being an extraordinary teacher, being a concise and effective video communicator is part of your well earned brand. Live streams are not that. For specific topics, create a quality video and add it to your library. Having to wade through the detritus of live streaming does not enhance your connection with the viewer.

Hang out videos will only attract viewers willing to invest time with no specific expectation. I hope there aren’t many of them. Seems to me that a hang out video should be an interview video that gets added to your library. There’s a certain British, gloved bass video content producer who believes himself to be so utterly fascinating that the world should be delighted to listen to content that is 70% narcissistic drivel before he approaches a point. The live stream dynamic pulls in that direction. Alarms should sound.

I could maybe see a live stream for members only, but even there – you answer questions in the course. With a live stream, you risk disappointed people when you can’t get to their question. You risk having the viewer stream tainted by people wanting to promote themselves.

I’ve talked myself out of it :slight_smile:


Amen to that.


Live streaming is more like a community. Check out some of the music related ones


We definitely get viewers with certain expectations. They expect Josh to SLAP A P BASS.

With a live stream (especially when the viewer count in is the hundreds), there will often be too much going on in the chat box to properly address everyone.


I don’t know what tools YT chat has, but Twitch let’s you put chat into slow mode, which means a single person has to wait 30 seconds after a message to put another in. Helps with a busy chat


YouTube has a few of those features, but it’s chat box and chat moderation system is nowhere near as good as Twitch.

Thanks for your input @DonSambrook !

Gradually transition out of bass teaching and into streaming myself on Twitch playing Diablo II: Resurrected. :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

Sure is!

This is what I’m aiming for - an opportunity to hang with unscripted Josh for a change.

But I hear ya! It may not stick. Planning on doing a few more, and then seeing how it’s going.


Try WoW. I’ll hook you up with my guild. :smiley:


Special episodes where we get to hang with each of your characters. “On our next BassBuzz livestream, connect with n00b Josh! And the week after that, we’ve got GasGuy as our special guest!”


Give it some time. Takes a bit to build a community


It definitely has a different vibe from the personalities that are active in the forum

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I show up for that stream.


this :point_up: could be worth trying twitch for the occasional unscripted hangin out/music streams, and YouTube for the current content as usual, start getting people from one platform discovering and following both :slightly_smiling_face: