Idiot-Proof Beginner Slap Bass (Every F**king Detail You Need to Get Started)

I am having all these problems lol. I think I’ll wait until Module 13… :eyes: and even if I sorta manage it, the other strings are ringing all over the place or I just outright touch them XD It’s like I suddenly have no idea how to mute strings. I am going super slow and have absolutely no accuracy on the initial strike using “thumbs up” and no matter what I do, as soon as I start fretting I just get harmonics. For the first time I actually find myself being frustrated; this is going to be a very slow technique for me to learn :sob:

Edit I should add, the action on my bass is low, too.

Edit 2 Well, after just a few minutes I was nailing the opening strain to Pearl Jam’s Jeremy slap-style about 40-50% of the time. So my spirits are back up lol. As far as the thumb ring, to my knowledge the ones that use one do so for the tone itself.


Okay, so I really went into this for 10 minutes or so and things just started to gel. I still need work on the D and G strings, but I’m pretty confident on the E and A strings, now. My knuckles of the slapping hand do even brush the other strings, but it was like my muting suddenly went “oh, this is how we do” and I was mostly just getting the notes I wanted to on the frets I wanted to.

However, the neck pickup on my Schecter is too close to the neck, and just in the right place for the joint/knuckle right there at the palm to hit the edge/corner of it :unamused: so I need to adjust even more, or just slap on a bass with the neck pickup further back (it’s “3 fingers” away on my Stiletto)

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What is this “thumb ring” you speak of?

*One Ring to bass them all, One Ring to funk them, One Ring to get them down and in the darkness slap them"


Nice. :sunglasses: :+1:


Actually, @eric.kiser , Wojtek Pilichowski uses electrical (?) tape:


I think that’s to protect his thumb from damage? Someone on TalkBass mentioned a few people that did the same for that reason. I don’t know if this person’s name came up or not, now that I type this all out…