Name is Andy. I drive a truck over the road & ride my GoldWIng when not in the cab. Have always been a bass fan, plinked around on one several years ago & just recently decided I wanted to learn to play bass. I plan to learn the notes & scales so I can be comfortable if a jam session chance arises. Picked up an Epiphone Les Paul Limited Edition last week along with a Behringer Ultrabass BX1200 amp to learn on. Took the bass to the local guitar shop yesterday to have it checked out & left it there to have the neck adjusted & a new set of strings put on, so next Saturday I will get to start the learning process in earnest. Have lots to learn, but try to be a sponge with the info. Looking forward to getting to know you!
Have you ever tried a SRAS7 by Ibanez?
With your creativity you could make some special sound.
really the question is “why not?” That banana is iconic. Couldn’t think of a cooler stamp. I guess there more to the story, so I look forward to hearing it.
So would I.
Hint. hint. hint. I’ll give my address and wishlist to anyone who wants it.
Hi! I’m Matias, from Argentina.
After 10 years of playing guitar and a bit of drums I made my mind and bought an 25 watts Fender Rumble and a very good sounding JazzBass. It’s been a while since I felt as happy as the moment I plugged those two thibgs together. Now I’m looking for a place to learn some bass specifics, and this seems to be the right place.
Hope I can give some advice about strings (I’m a luthier).
If someone can recommend me some backing tracks, I’ll be more than happy.
Hi Andy! Sounds good, glad you’re getting your bass setup early on too.
Hey Boz, I have not, that thing looks freaking crazy!
Would be nice for looping I imagine…
Hey Matias! Anything in particular you’re looking for? I know Gio posted a little something a while back, let me find it… here it is - Jam Tracks / Improv. Tracks - Share your bassline
Also all the lessons on Bass Buzz have a playalong component, so there’s backing tracks you can play around with there (I usually include a version without an existing bass track so you can experiment), either in the free section (like the Bass Basics playalongs) or more in-depth in the Beginner to Badass course.
As creative as you are, I would think your creativity would increase by 20% with this Ibanez.
By the way, I am a double bass player in a major symphony orchestra and have fun playing bass guitar.
If any stray questions come in regarding double bass, I would be glad to help out.
Don’t want to turn your forum into upright bass forum, however.
Boz (this is a bass, the other bass. I don’t have any musical imogies…close as I could come.
No worries, we all love upright here! Just hasn’t been a focus yet. I took classical upright lessons for years, used to do community orchestra gigs and stuff before I found myself playing electric almost exclusively. Definitely do not miss carrying it around to bar gigs.
Oh! Josh!
But we have the end pin wheel.
Makes life fun again.
Well the sickness is confirmed! Was looking around on Reverb and ended up buying an Ibanez GSR200 with a Body Glove gig bag, strap & 18’ cord for $119 to the house! Now will get to compare two decent basses to see if I can tell any difference.
Yeah, I really should have invested in one… sigh. Maybe I’ll catch the bug again someday.
I’m the opposite of Josh - an all electric man who has found himself (voluntarily) trapped behind an upright playing 1s and 5s with a string band for the last 10 years. And - foolishly - I’ve never opted in for the end-pin wheel.
As a result, I have two thrashed and destroyed gig bags, and plenty of dings on the 'ol beast.
Glad you’re here to help! I’ll start a thread where I can ask you all the things about bows that I’ve needed to ask forever!!
Hey Matias!
I have lots of fun tracks to jam to.
I had a thread going, and I can post more if you’re into it. Check out the one I did, and let me know if you find it helpful?
If not - let me know what you’re looking for. I might have that too!
Hi! I’m Herb, 55 year old grandpa. my family always made fun of me for not “hearing the beat”, probably a little tone deaf and I was not encouraged to ever play anything besides a tape deck, I never dreamt that I could play an instrument. An old musician said that I could learn the bass, he has a great band but doesn’t have a lot of time to teach. I found this site a week before I touched a bass, here was my first tuning, plunked my first note right along with Josh. I’m having a blast. thanks
Welcome! Hope you enjoy the course and community here as much as I have. You’ll be showing up your family before you know it!
Hey Herb! Glad you’re having fun, and I think your family will be eating their words before you know it.
I think I’ve found your Bass Player Go to 13min 20 sec. She does sound good.
Hi. At 65 I became interested in playing music rather than just listening. Maybe it’s because my hearing is going and I can’t hear it as well. Tried a few different things such as Harmonica, due to neck cancer that didn’t work out, making Kalimbas. So many people wanted 1 found I was making them not playing them. Decided to make a Bass, made 2, and give myself lessons for my 70th BD which is in August. That’s why I’m here. Most hearing loss is the higher pitches Bass is almost at normal levels. I don’t have speakers on my computer the sound goes directly to the hearing aids
Epic! Very clever and handy fellow. I love how there are no obstacles that can stop you. Pretty inspiring stuff. Welcome.
Also inspiring - the mustache. Holy cow. It’s phenomenal.
Yes, what Gio Said! Also, very impressed that you could make a bass! I’m 70 too. It’s nice to have company. Music is timeless! Oh, by the way, I have hearing aids as well and am having trouble linking my blue tooth to my computer. They work great on my iphone.