My name is Akil. I live in the Netherlands. I LOVE music. especially piano and BASS; later I just started my lessons here and I hope to play a few bass lines and more as I’m progressing. I pride myself on a good music ear
Welcome @akilesq
Have fun!
Welcome, @akilesq. Glad you’re here. Enjoy!
Welcome @akilesq !
Hi. I’m 66. Played tuba for decades, but got too old and fat and the teeth aren’t what they used to be, so quit playing the horn and have found myself missing the camaraderie of playing music with friends. I hope I can get good enough to scratch that itch with the bass.
Welcome @jw63033
Welcome @jw63033 !
Welcome, @jw63033. Glad you’re here. There are a lot of great folks on this forum. You’ll feel right at home. Enjoy!
Welcome @jw63033
Have fun!
Great to have you here @akilesq
Great to have you here @jw63033
I miss my sousaphone but don’t miss lugging it!
Welcome! This is a great group of folks and the knowledge and experience in these forums is a treasure trove of awesome tips and resources!
Hi I’m Geraint
Started playing Bass (the wrong way) at about 16, was just told hit this string and this fret so never learned anything.
Fast forward 22 years and decided now is the time to try and learn the right way, now that life is more stable with work and kids.
just waiting for B2B DVD’s to arrive but have done the first lesson online for a taster and really enjoyed myself.
Recently bought a Fender P Bass to go through the course, my other bass is an old second hand Tanglewood that the previous owner chopped off a portion of the head.
As I’m writing this the DVD’s arrived so I’m going to commandeer the living room and kick the other half out.
Hope everyone is doing ok, catch you all soon.
Welcome, @GJames. Glad you’re here. With Josh’s excellent B2B, you will definitely learn bass the right way. Enjoy the lessons!
Welcome @GJames
Welcome @GJames !
Shwmae @GJames a croeso.
Welcome @GJames ! Enjoy the course.